Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • pani_6
    03-25 05:02 PM
    :eek:??..EB3 for the last 7 year has not progresed beyond 2003 June or July..it comes forward and reverts back:mad:

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  • Caliber
    07-28 10:21 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    A great explanation. Your challenge is good. Those who oppose this, should come forward to check if there are really no qualified US Citizens available for their jobs.

    I know many L1 employees of Cognizant who come on L1 as Managers with just 2 years of Experience and file in EB1. Sad part is few people use Legal loopholes and screw all others.

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  • anilkumar0902
    09-14 11:36 AM

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  • nefrateedi
    09-18 05:21 PM

    As my lawyer has used his checks to pay my 485/765/131 fees, there is no way of knowing whether the checks have been cashed. I did called my attorney a couple of times last week and he told me that checks are NOT yet cashed.

    So I'm still waiting to hear from the lawyer abt the receipts.

    And it looks like your package was handled at NSC itself, instead of getting transfered to TSC or CSC, hence the LIN#.

    I will let you know once my receipts are in.


    Yup, it was receipted at Nebraska. By the way, I tried entering my receipt #s on the website again, and this time it worked...:D


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  • jchan
    08-25 01:08 PM
    I searched immigrationportal.com and only found few than three cases in the last three months about H1B denial. The number does not seem to be unusually high to me.

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  • gccovet
    08-13 12:33 PM
    EAD USCIS Recieved Date: 03-July
    EAD Status Cahnged to Card Production Ordered: 12-Aug

    did you get any email from CRIS? Assuming you had a 'Y' for email.


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  • nousername
    01-30 10:42 PM
    Minimalist.. to begin with, I am not here to judge you or anyone else and I don't think sledge ever had those intentions. Hence, please don't take any of the comments personally.

    The original post by nehas was a question to which almost everyone, including sledge responded, trying to help her. The common answer was that she (not he) needs to switch back to H4 as she is already out of status. My orignal post very clearly indecates the reasons why I believe Neha is already out of status. Here is the link http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=23395

    After I answered Neha's question, which I know is the correct answer, I asked her a simple question i.e. is it ethical to apply for H1 visa when a person does not have a job offer, especially when the entire legal immigrant community knows that for last few years due to the visa cap it is very hard to obtain a new H1 even if you have a valid job offer.

    I totally agree with you that no one on the face of this earth is a pure saint but ours (legal immigrants) is a small hardworking community, which most often understand each others pains, and that's the reason this forum exist.

    Now, I ask you in the most humble way, what would you have done if your would-be employer had sponsored the visa but due to the lottery your application was never even selected for processing. To top that you learn from all over the world that companies like Wipro, Satyam and desi body shops applied for H1's, which they probably won't even use. Don't get me wrong.. I am a proud Indian and proud what these companies have archived..

    don't have the guts to take care of anything person to person. That will only go to show how right the right things you do are. Do you know how a person that never does a wrong thing ( "I always do the right thing regardless of the time or place") threatens that he will bring people who do not belong in the conversation to the conversation to show how capable he is.
    So let me get this straight, in your culture doing the right thing means cuss others using degrading words directed at their family mebers passes for bravery, which is a "RIGHT THING"

    Now, you haven't answered the questio I posed to you about never doing a wrong thing in your life.

    To answer your question on why they need compassion, he tried to get H1 and earn sme money. Now the economy went down and screwed up his visa status and brought on more possible troubles most of them may or may not materialize.

    You can respond in two way. He got what he deserved or help him find a way out of the mess. Mind you he is already suffering in terms of the tension he has to bear with respect
    to continued stay in US.

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  • StuckInTheMuck
    11-06 01:52 PM

    Buddy, it looks like its only you and me remaining who has not received the FP notice. For me its been 30 days since opening SR and nothing. We are the unfortunate ones who have not only not received FP but our application are in TSC , where opening an SR is of no use.

    I am July 2 filer (@TSC), still waiting for FP notice. Got I-485 receipt (ND Aug 27), and approved EAD and AP. Did not call for SR yet.


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  • akhilmahajan
    02-12 08:25 PM
    Thanks a lot everyone.

    Grand Total - $1805

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


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  • bsnf
    11-19 05:02 PM
    Send 1 for me and 1 for my wife.


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  • kondur_007
    07-26 05:49 PM
    There is not much use for just fighting EB3-I. You can send a letter or lobbey and they will hear it. Thats all. There are so much discrepancies in immigration policy of USA(The impact is for just for potential immigrants not for the country) I do not think they will spend time to resolve each and every small discrepancy. There are more more severe issues in the country than resolving EB3-I. Of course that is a big issue for those who are impacted.

    But the problem will be automatically resolved if STEM/and or Recapture bill is passed. That is a big picture and that will get more attention than just lobbying for EB3-I.

    I agree. If "vertical spillover" occurs again, the only benefit would go to EB3-ROW.

    It is very very difficult to convince anyone to overflow EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB3 I (leaving EB2 I out of loop). (eventhough USCIS did it in past)

    If someone tries to re-interprete, it will end up like:EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB2I -> EB3 I, still no real benefit to EB3 I; only EB2 I will loose with some benefit to EB3 ROW.

    Bottom line is, we need more visa numbers and that's what we need to campaign for. May it be recapture, or STEM exemption or anything else.

    I am not saying this just because I am EB2, but these are the facts. Additionally, there is a big chance of new immigration law as soon as new president comes (likely some form of CIR) and we need to be prepared to have our agenda included in that; rather than splitting ourselves.

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  • h1techSlave
    02-02 04:45 PM
    Blacks, Latinos and even us Indians have reservation in the US. We get reservations right from Kinder garden, thru college and job opportunities. Many Federal govt. contracts are reserved for minorities and women.


    Simple ... Blacks and Latinos are minority in US... and in India so called Backward Castes are the Majority and in a Democracy MAJORITY RULES! .. so Reservations Persists in India!!! :)


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  • Kodi
    07-24 09:57 PM
    I did get LUDs today. Both mine and my husbands I-485 and I-131. But nothing on I-765. Anyone has any idea why they took FP when my I-140 and EAD still pending?

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  • centaur
    03-09 09:12 PM
    Well said

    Yes, and a lot of people know that there are highly skilled people who are depressed and that takes a toll on employee productivity.

    After all, if 90% of your time is spent on thinking about BECs and visa bulletins, imagine if that time was spent on doing the job they've hired you for.

    Some employers(like Microsoft) realize this and want to do something about it. Its not just about keeping the best and brightest here in USA. Its also about keeping the morale and productivity up.

    As to how to deal with this...try this.

    Call your local congressman's office(Find out info about that from House.gov, with your zipcode). Get an appointment with congressman. There is an Easter recess coming up when they would be back from DC.

    Then talk to him about all issues you have. Take all the material you need from the "Volunteer" menu item of this website.

    Doing something about the problem is the best therapy there is. I am not saying this because I want to coax you into meeting your congressman. No. That's not the objective. But I think action is the best remedy for this problem. And there is actionable stuff to do about this. If you are suffering from terminal cancer, then you really cant do anything about that. This is not such a problem. This is a problem for which the solution is out there.

    Somehow, after landing in this country, people lose the appetite for risk and adventure. Before they are in here, they would move mountains to score an H1 or an F1. After coming here, they hunker down, heads-under-the-desk kind of approach. What I am talking about is nearly 200 people right now, who have read this post, but havent logged in. They wouldnt log in. They wouldnt give their real email address if they sign up. They would never contribute. WHY? Because they are afraid. That they will be deported. For no reason. Everything we do is legal, including raising funds and spending it on lobbying. But they are afraid. They are also afraid that by talking to congressmen, they will make them mad and the congressman will pick up the phone, call USCIS and then get their 140 cancelled. Yes. People create their own fastasies and become afraid of them..

    Yesterday, nearly 2000 Irish illegals went to capitol hill and talked to various lawmakers to lobby for CIR and legalization. They were illegals. Yet, the somehow managed to walk into the building where laws of this country are made, talk to people who make the laws that they have broken, go thru Capitol Hill security check, and look into the eye of the lawmaker and talk to them.

    However, our community, this is how they behave. Forget about talking to congressman, or contributing money. When they call the core group with a question, they block the caller id can call. Dont disclose their name too. Ask a questions and then quickely hang up. Some of them want to contribute with cash because they are not willing to believe us that we are doing everything legal here and its their right to lobbying and petition the Government for problems.

    After paying taxes, after following all immigration laws, after getting all the education in the world to become "Highly skilled", the highly skilled cant bring themselves to stand-up with a straight spine, thump their desk and talk to their lawmaker.

    So at the end of the day, if we are depressed that legals dont get attention, then you know where to look for blame : the highly skilled who are highly educated and too afraid because their education and skills make them think too much and analyze too much, and they are afraid all the time.


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  • mjdup
    02-15 07:34 PM
    Contributed small amount of $100.

    Will also donate airline miles and hotel honor points.

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  • ddanait
    02-17 01:06 AM

    When I click on donate, its shows me only paypal option and when I select $50 option it takes me to paypal website with the following message

    If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.

    If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.

    If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.

    I have attempted the above atleast half a dozen times. :(


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  • tonyHK12
    02-11 01:47 PM
    thanks bkarnik for your contributions
    Thanks to IV core and Senior members for their work on the STEM bill. Now its up to everyone else to do their part.

    Amount raised = $2300.00
    Contributions needed = $47,700.00

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  • rsharma
    09-23 01:33 PM
    "EB-2 India. This category is expected to remain unchanged or to move very slowly forward (by a week or so) in the short-term. This is mainly caused by the fact that many EB-3 India applicants (there are approximately 60,000 EB-3 India pending cases) are �porting� their priority dates into the EB-2 India category and are thus taking visa numbers.

    EB2 India is slowwly becoming EB3 as thousands are porting from EB3 to EB2. Some of them are really worthy of EB2 and some of them are fradulent.

    EB2 India applicants should wake up from their celebratio of a few months leap and get ready for slow movement or retro.

    Guys wake up and fight to make the porting rules veryu strong if not stop porting. The rule should be if I140 for porting is denied then the applicatnt should loose his/her initial EB3 priority date also as he /she has indicated that he/she is no longer working in the position as described in EB3 labor. This will make sure that fradulent applicants cannot port from EB3 to EB2.

    P.S: I know I will get thousands of REDs. I do not care... EB2 I guys wake up.. Time is running out.. EB2 I will very quickly become same as EB3I.

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  • NKR
    10-03 08:35 AM
    My status on CRIS has changed. No emails. Its says my approval has been sent. But nothing about the card. I spoke to the CS and they said my biometrics have to be uploaded. In the mean time can I get my passport stamped?.

    Could you tell me your PD, RD, ND and service centre please?..

    07-03 11:50 AM
    Lets see if July 9 will do as much to Emilio as July 2 did to the GC aspirants...

    Looks like FTD doesn't deliver on Mondays! Lets us make it Tuesday July 10th! Gives us another day to get more people to sign up :)

    I've scheduled mine to be delivered on Tuesday July 10th.

    06-09 02:44 PM

    I recived the case nos from TSC , they had received mine & my wife's applications ( 485, 765,131 ) on 4th June , I see one set of checks cashed.
    I expect the other set to be cleared some time Mon-Tues
    The case nos start with SRC


    Did you directly sent to TSC or NSC forwarded it to TSC

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