Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • Sakthisagar
    10-14 03:59 PM
    here are the links...

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  • GC_1000Watt
    01-24 09:05 PM
    Thank you very much and I sincerely appreaciate advices from all of you. Can some one please claify some other question i have on this topic. Any inputs means a lot to me.

    USCIS gave RFE before denying the petition. in RFE they asked for Client letter and I submitted client letter. I don't have denial notice with me and don't know the reason of denial.

    1. If my employer is filing new H1 application why i should go with premium processing? why not regular.

    2. Am i out of status now?.

    3. Can i do H1 transfer now if someone offers fulltime. Should i tell them that my previous H1 application denied if they are willing to transfer.

    Thanks in advance.

    Your employer can file a new H1B extension petition with the documents covering the problems that caused the first denial. Now the lawyer should attach a letter notifying USCIS about the the first denial and than asking them for adjustment of status.
    There is no annual cap. (or may be 300,00) on H1b extension cases. Hence in your case irrespective of your denial, you can file fresh extension one more time & making sure that you are not missing anything and a letter to USCIS mentioning your previous denial case.

    I am telling you this on my own experience. And mind you this is not a time for you to be cheap. Please consult with a good lawyer.

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    02-08 11:56 PM
    GUYS please stop advicing her. Let her consult an attorney. Please do not lead
    her in any direction. She need to contact an immigration and possibly civil and criminal attorney. An immigration attorney might lead her in the right direction. Super moderator already suggested that so please listen to what he said. Estrela please don't waste your time looking for answers in this thread. Answers given by common people can be incorrect and misleading. Immigration attorney is the way to go.
    Good luck and god bless you

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  • va_labor2002
    06-01 02:24 PM
    Is it possible ? If it is possible to pick up the legal immigration provisions from CIR and make a new Bill, we should proceed with that option,so that it will be passed quickly before CIR. We should talk to our senators for this option.


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  • GCwaitforever
    08-16 11:21 AM
    I am just quoting another way to move from EB-3 to EB-2 without having to file for PERM labor etc ... if you are in the same company. If the original labor petition is qualified for EB-2, but I-140 was applied in EB-3 category then that same approved EB-3 I-140 petition could be used as a supporting document in lieu of original labor certification to file another I-140 EB-2 petition. This is assuming that the attorney filed I-140 in the wrong category first time.

    Of course if the original labor petition does not qualify for EB-2, but the applicant qualifies for EB-2 now, the applicant has to go through PERM again and port priority date from approved EB-3 I-140 to new EB-2 I-140 petition.

    I hope this clarifies everything. I am not an attorney. Use the information at your own risk.

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  • mbartosik
    06-22 05:15 PM
    They charge $2, blimey, that's nothing. They want to increase to $9, hey increase it to $100 and to the job properly!

    If I was stuck in name check I'd happy write them a check for $900 not just $9.

    This is a typical example of how doing things on the cheap is just plain stupid.

    If they are going to do a name check for the 12,000,000 to 20,000,000 then how does that affect them. In computing we have to write systems that scale, I doubt their system will scale to cope with an extra 20,000,000 checks.


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  • vallabhu
    11-13 04:47 PM
    I asked her if it is change of address they sent she is not sure but she said usually it is the card when Current Status: is "Document mailed to applicant."

    She put in a service request for me and she some one is going to contact me in 30 business days.

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  • binadh
    10-03 01:24 PM
    No! not with the fargoman. Mine is a small time law firm based in Arlington VA.


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  • rkotamurthy
    02-14 06:13 PM
    ^^ Bump

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  • newuser
    05-14 07:48 PM
    There is a live debate going on CIR

    Currently Rep. Charles Gonzalez ( D-Texas, 20th District, San Antonia) supporting the CIR.


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  • mpadapa
    10-09 01:32 PM
    IMHO.. Its better to resolve the out-of-status issues before U file for 485. Please consult a good attorney.

    If things are cleared out, its a smooth sailing for U since U are from EB2 ROW. Since U are planning to marry, its better to marry and then file for 485. U donno sometimes USCIS goes into an approval frenzy, U might get U'r GC approved soon and thus U'r wife might have to wait for yrs to get GC. If U'r wife comes to US before U'r GC approval, its a different story as explained by glus.

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  • mchundi
    05-17 08:40 PM

    I understand your anxiety. To answer your questions:

    There is no chance of having any single set of provisions "become law immediately."

    Unfortunately, we have to let this current round of discussions on CIR play out. What should we root for? That amendments to the current CIR that basically gut the bill fail. If the bill survives these amendments then we stand a good chance of succeeding in our efforts.

    For strategic reasons, we cannot disclose everything we know about behind the scenes agreements.

    Hang in there!

    I am not even sure if this bill is good for me. (I am EB-2 2003 PD, I140 approved, India, 8th Year H1-B). I am sure this is good for people who r just stepping into the process.
    I know u guys r doing a good job shuttling between work and D.C. This is the closest we have ever come with the lawmakers (that i know). If only we had this cohesion during S-1932 days we would have got something. Hope it works out well for us.


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  • Appu
    04-02 10:31 PM
    So if (for example) an H1B worked in the US for a few weeks before their visa became available, are they technically eligible for this? Or perhaps they were out of status for a week or two between jobs? I'm sure many H1's might have been in this situation. It's unclear who this applies to.

    Yep, my thinking, exactly. Also, people going between F1 and H1 or between H1 and H4 could all claim a few weeks or months of "undocumented" status.

    I just read the Specter amendments to 2454 and I can't see where in 218D or 602 it says the alien must have been here illegally. Can someone quote that part? All I can see is this requirement in 601.

    `(1) PRESENCE; EMPLOYMENT.--The alien establishes that the alien--

    ``(A) was physically present in the United States before January 7, 2004; and

    ``(B) was employed in the United States before January 7, 2004, and has been employed in the United States since that date.

    That's right, it doesn't. I have enquired my lawyer about this. She'll get back to me on Tuesday. I will post more information then.

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  • sledge_hammer
    04-22 08:41 PM
    You will get zero supportes for your anti-immigration comments on this forum!

    Go back to your own forum to preach hatred!

    So go to these sites: VDARE, FAIRUS, JUDICIALWATCH, NUMBERSUSA, AMERICANPATROL, CAPSWEB & ALIPAC. The stakes are sky high because Amnesty means, thousands more will swamp the border looking for yet a 3rd---AMNESTY.


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  • Michael chertoff
    10-06 03:36 PM
    Troll alert. Avoid responding to these posts.

    just a humble question.. whats wrong in responding to this kind of posts. i dont see anything wrong in suggesting or helping other people like us.

    atleast he is not posting anything bad against IV or any religion or anything negative.


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  • Mo-Ti
    06-15 02:44 PM
    a very/too late appointment, but I just made this for another kidding "project" (with a few stolen things of fester, trying to make it worse) and thought you guys have to see it :x


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  • ravik
    08-03 01:51 PM
    Yes it is

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  • quizzer
    10-05 12:26 PM

    Please keep us posted.

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  • Munna Bhai
    03-24 01:55 PM
    audio streaming archives are available 1 to 2 hours after the show. Check here

    Our segment was about 40 minutes in. My web streamer won't allow fast forward, don't know if limitation is the client or the server. Robert and Ron go through the standard Pro / Anti H1B arguments for the first 40 minutes. I didn't want to be part of that.

    I hate listening to my own voice, thanks for the complements, it will make listening to my own voice less cringing.


    Thank you very very much for this great initiative. It was a wonderful work.


    07-04 12:06 PM
    "It's like living in a holding pattern continuously," said Swati Srivastava, 28, a member of Immigration Voice, a new grass-roots organization of skilled foreign workers pushing for immigration reform. The Internet-based group formed late last year and has about 5,000 members scattered around the country.

    "We work in [the] U.S. legally in high-skilled jobs, but we still get penalized for playing by the rules," Immigration Voice co-founder Aman Kapoor said in an e-mail. "Since no one was working on our issues, we decided to organize.",1,1670817.story?page=2&cset=true&ctrack=1

    07-25 08:04 PM
    I have found that SBI is the most cost effective one. There is some inconvienience as you have to register with them, but every transfer after that can be accomplished with a fax to their offices.

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