Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • h1techSlave
    05-01 09:43 AM
    One of my friends was a plaintiff in the lawsuit that you mention. As you mention, USCIS quickly approved all cases. So didn't the plaintiffs won the case?

    I hope our potential lawsuit will have a similar effect. We file a lawsuit saying we are discriminated based on country of birth. USCIS opposes the lawsuit, but quickly approves all our 485s. We both win in that situation.

    I would be happy if EB2 India gets upto Dec04. Forget EB3. Also any lawsuit is only sustainable only if its properly funded, well represented and there is wide public support if you expect the class action status. Mr Rajiv Khanna filed a lawsuit for 485 backlogs and its class action status was denied by the judge which I personally think was a biased judge and later USCIS quickly approved 485s of plaintiffs making lawsuit moot.

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  • aquarianf
    04-25 10:39 AM
    It high time that these guys get kicked on what ever, I have seen so many of my friends frustated due to non payment and get scarred to do anything against it..... I appreciate your courage , If they do bussiness and employ people they should legally pay, So many poeple come from India with kids and family and suffer so much when they are not getting paid on bench...I can only sympathise with their situation , Shame on such bussiness...BLOOD SUCKERS, MANIACS . I would say USCIS should create a law to punish these blood sucking monsters.
    Training, H1b ...etc takes money what he not stupid(desi employer) to do it for free , He makes altleast 10 times of what he spends in just 6 months when the candidate is on project.

    I am sure I am going to get a lot of negative feedback for posting this in from hiding desi employers

    I agree with some of your points but you are not helping on anything here by appreciating OP's courage. If OP gets into law suite and if it requires lots of money would you be willing to donate some money to fight law suite because it will not only help OP but it will scare such shameless employer that there people out there in community who are willing to help if they do something wrong with employees.

    I agree with you that such employer should be punished but it is more important to create awareness about their practice specially among people who just come from India and then get into trap of such employers. But many people do so even after knowing the facts about desi employers. Every thing has risks and rewards, and many people know risks but they get into it for rewards.

    It seems that INS is very serious about holding back wages issue I think first thing people do is to file complaint with INS. See my previous post on this.

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  • ajaykk
    08-26 10:34 AM
    On July 15th I have filed for renewal of EAD for both of us, today I got approval email where as my wife status says received and pending and NO LUD either. Infact she needs EAD as she is been working on EAD and it expires in October. I am on H1. Why like that? My PD will be current from September as per September bulletin.


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  • WeShallOvercome
    11-21 12:34 PM
    Look at us. We fight and worry and waste our life for such petty things as a plastic card.
    Pray for your, your family's and friends' health..which is all what matters.

    Please go to India, atleast for some time and get a second opinion from good hospitals. And remember, Prayer is the most powerful healer.


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  • kshitijnt
    05-01 08:03 PM
    Lets file a lawsuit to get the info in a manner we need:

    1) breakdown of processing dates in a manner that co relates to visa bulletin.
    i.e.: tell us how many petitions by per country are pending/processed and processing dates by country and category. Atleast USCIS is answerable to visa bulletin.

    2) Visa usage by category reporting each month
    (How many petitions were approved are pending by visa category and by country) (here I mean just I140 and I485). Adjust the numbers if there are denials.

    This will atleast help everyone predict whats going to happen in recent months. One of the heartburns we have is no information comes out of USCIS and we are held hostage to what oppenheim says or Aytes says or Sheela Murthy says. This is public information so lets try and get it public every month.

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  • spulapa
    02-02 10:24 AM
    All the very best in what ever decision you take....!!

    You have to churn thru a hell lot of things before you make a decision and I'm sure since you have made up your mind you have taken into consideration all the aspects...!!


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  • somegchuh
    03-10 02:39 AM
    A lot of people can give you advice but I think it really comes down to making peace with yourself.

    I have been thru the pain of being stuck in LC for over 4 years and I can completely sympathize with you. I know it can be really frustrating. I have been thru swings of optimisim and pessimism in those 4 years. Ultimately this is what I have realized, there is always a price to be paid in life if you want to achieve anything in life. It is upto each one of us to decide if GC is worth the various years of being stuck in same job, wife being stuck on H4 is the right price for GC or am I paying too much. For me personally, I think I am paying a big price but I am like a businessman who has invested so much money and time in his enterprise that he's afraid to drop the venture and start another business. Actually a lot of us fall in this category.

    So look at it this way. Write down the price you are paying. Figure out if you still want to put your effort (and how much) in trying to get a GC. If you think its a venture that's not worth the outcome, there's your answer! If you think its worth the outcome but you are afraid you still may not get a GC, work on backup plan i.e. evaluate and apply for immigration to other western countries or evaluate and work on a plan to go back to your home country. Knowing the price and having alternate plans will give you peace of minds. More than anything else don't forget to have fun. A lot of times we get caught up in worrying about what might/might not happen in future and don't enjoy the present! Go out with your wife and have a fancy dinner every now and then ... do something spontaneous... Watch movies, listen to music, go bowling with friends ... whatever takes your mind off the routine!

    I see a lot of guys telling everyone who is frustrated saying: Let your wife get her own H1, why don't you buy a house on H1, why don't you have kids? Well, its good to offer suggestions but don't get condescending. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a stable job that they can buy a house. Not everyone's wife is in IT and can get a desi co. to sponsor H1. Not everyone is at peace mentally enough that they can plan children.

    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:

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  • mhtanim
    07-15 05:08 PM
    Did you get your EAD/AP approval yet? I filed in 1st week of May, but nothing yet?

    No I didn't get approval for either one yet. I have seen lots of people who filed after me and already got approval.


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  • JazzByTheBay
    07-09 02:37 PM
    Good to have this as reference and thanks for pointing out the ability to port to self-employment as part of AC21 portability.


    Here is the link. Your attorney is not the law. Some other attorney might say you can do it.

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  • ashshah
    12-07 01:51 PM
    Even I am waiting for my FP from TSC.

    I was thinking , that maybe , because there are so many of us who have not received FP notices, should probably send a fax or e-mail to ombudsman as a group listing our receipt numbers or maybe just names and tell them the inconsistencies from their side in issuing the FP notices.

    I have a good feeling that if the letter/email or fax goes as a group , then they may take some action.

    Just a idea , any inputs would be appreciated.


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  • mirage
    03-10 12:54 PM
    I will request you 'Not to turn this into a EB-3/Eb-2' fight, as everybody is suffering, we are on this forum itself means all of have an issue...It's just that for some people it could be a wait for another 3-4 years but for others it could be a wait for 20 years....if Congress doesn't make any change to the existing laws...But what people are fearing in this climate if we go and tell the congress that we are in a 20 year wait, instead of doing any good they can harm us more. Now, how much you want to take that risk is the question. In my opinion I don't see that kind of risk, with the kind of things we are asking, but some people see that risk, it's their way of thinking...

    Lets not listen to negative people here and instead come up with a plan. Nothing will change unless we act upon it. I have seen these negative comments every time somebody come up with a plan for EB3-I. Unfortunately most of these negative comments are coming from EB2-I people.

    Lets come up with action plan for EB3-I and we will send it upto Mr. President. I am sure they will listen to us someday. They are busy not deaf.


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  • tonyHK12
    02-18 02:12 PM
    I will not be able to attend the effort, so i just donated $100. Paypal transaction : 5G8297179W5987836

    thanks kumar_459. Just one for today so far.


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  • gsc999
    07-06 07:37 PM
    We would all like to part of a rally or protest but why give us only one days notice? Surely most people will not have read this post by tomorrow. We should organize this properly by sending out the message to the community well in advance and getting the required permits (I mean if you want this to be in any way successful that is).
    This idea seems to have originated in a Chinese website that fightnow quoted in an earlier post. Lets coordinate this event for 14th July. Please join the Northern California IV group for more focussed effort on this issue.

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  • nefrateedi
    09-08 04:34 PM
    WAC is California Service Center.


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  • apahilaj
    08-11 09:45 AM
    My husband received CPO mail on 08/04, welcome mail on 08/05, soft LUD on 08/06 and approval notice sent mail on 08/09 but dated 08/08 in USCIS status. Hoping to have the GC in hand next week.
    Anyone who has the same chain of events or received GC for CPO mail on 08/04 or later?

    Same exact sequence of events happened to me. I am sure we will have our cards this week God willingly.

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  • franklin
    06-05 07:48 PM
    All you lucky guys who can file for 485, please contribute to IV.

    In spite of all the forum spamming, I have contributed, thank you

    And yes, I've sent multiple faxes to every senator.

    And yes, I've visited, phoned and emailed multiple senators and congressmen.

    And yes, I've sent approximately 700 emails to media outlets nationwide

    PLEASE stop spamming the forums


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  • sam2006
    07-20 10:34 AM
    Hello Folks
    Thank you for all the efforts but we have a looong way to go

    to keep track and update

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  • esh06
    09-21 06:52 PM
    Application sent on aug 8th.Checks got cashed on sep 18th.

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  • somegchuh
    03-10 02:39 AM
    A lot of people can give you advice but I think it really comes down to making peace with yourself.

    I have been thru the pain of being stuck in LC for over 4 years and I can completely sympathize with you. I know it can be really frustrating. I have been thru swings of optimisim and pessimism in those 4 years. Ultimately this is what I have realized, there is always a price to be paid in life if you want to achieve anything in life. It is upto each one of us to decide if GC is worth the various years of being stuck in same job, wife being stuck on H4 is the right price for GC or am I paying too much. For me personally, I think I am paying a big price but I am like a businessman who has invested so much money and time in his enterprise that he's afraid to drop the venture and start another business. Actually a lot of us fall in this category.

    So look at it this way. Write down the price you are paying. Figure out if you still want to put your effort (and how much) in trying to get a GC. If you think its a venture that's not worth the outcome, there's your answer! If you think its worth the outcome but you are afraid you still may not get a GC, work on backup plan i.e. evaluate and apply for immigration to other western countries or evaluate and work on a plan to go back to your home country. Knowing the price and having alternate plans will give you peace of minds. More than anything else don't forget to have fun. A lot of times we get caught up in worrying about what might/might not happen in future and don't enjoy the present! Go out with your wife and have a fancy dinner every now and then ... do something spontaneous... Watch movies, listen to music, go bowling with friends ... whatever takes your mind off the routine!

    I see a lot of guys telling everyone who is frustrated saying: Let your wife get her own H1, why don't you buy a house on H1, why don't you have kids? Well, its good to offer suggestions but don't get condescending. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a stable job that they can buy a house. Not everyone's wife is in IT and can get a desi co. to sponsor H1. Not everyone is at peace mentally enough that they can plan children.

    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:

    07-21 10:24 AM
    chandarc July 12 2010 --------------- Automated email response

    First I like to thank you all those whose support me in this action of trying to eliminate the country and category based spillover usage. I see that there are lot of unrelated comments and discussions going on in this forum, let's not get ourself diverted and please focus on our mission to try to implement the usage of spill over visas based on priority date. There may be some unrelated comments still coming in, also some may discourage our actions, let's please ignore those, instead of responding (which just feeds them to write more).

    I like to know who all have already contacted their local Congressman/woman for this issue. so let's take a poll by adding your IV id to the following list,

    IV Id----------------Week of Contact-------------------Any update
    Sanhari --------------- July 12 2010 --------------- Automated email response

    Thanks again to all those who support this cause, let's continue to do our part and hope for the best for us to happen soon....

    07-28 01:14 PM
    Just Chill Guys,

    I am EB3, and i know we EB3 are screwed , and EB2 are luckier than us.

    There is no need to fight,

    If we dont get the GC , we can go back home(for me home is india) .... believe me home is not so bad( even after the blasts) Just enjoy your time here, live for the moment.

    I work for an employer , whom i value more than EB2 , so i dont want to port to EB2(Even when i filed for EB3 , i was eligible for EB2 , But my lawyers assistant , just wanted to play safe) Everyone has his own preferences.

    I think this is a post , for the EB3 to crib , and talk (humans feel good after doing that) so let us do that.

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