Monday, June 27, 2011

1991 dodge stealth twin turbo

images 1991 Dodge Stealth 2 Dr R/T 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. DODGE STEALTH TWIN TURBO

  • tonyHK12
    02-25 09:34 PM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 1KJ77263D2760803K.
    Just contributed another $50 feeling better.

    thanks for taking the initiative and donating again manish1905. It is sad to see only a few 100 'active. Most people want to see results before donating, but most don't realize we can't get results without thousands working first for many months.
    So its up to us to work extra hard to achieve things that will benefit 500,000 people.
    Things like Visa Recapture, which benefit 100s of thousands benefit everyone including EB3, as there are only about 40-60,000 EB2s left.

    Here's the facebook link:
    Immigration Voice | Facebook (!/event.php?eid=197404886938254)

    wallpaper DODGE STEALTH TWIN TURBO 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1991 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo
  • 1991 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo

  • shyamkishore
    02-09 09:26 PM
    Dear IV Guys,

    I have been a passive observer of this forum.

    I have done one time contribution of 100$.

    Here are the details:
    Payment details
    Transaction ID: 57T11728MH365274A
    Item Price: $100.00 USD
    Total: $100.00 USD
    Order Description: Contributions
    Item/Product Number: Contributions
    Buyer: Shyam Kishore Kuppu Rao


    1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1995 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo
  • 1995 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo

  • sanan
    07-02 09:08 AM
    Or is He/she faking the name - to stay out of trouble from a possible law suit :p

    Just kidding I know its not funny
    Robin Williams? Are you sure it didn't go to Hollywood!

    2011 1991 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. Twin Turbo, the Stealth
  • Twin Turbo, the Stealth

  • krishna.ahd
    04-20 03:46 PM
    I changed my job twice using AC-21 informed USCIS once, I don't see any risk itz a law, as long as you are able to produce paperwork that your current job is similar to previous one you are safe, any decent employer would give you a supporting letter (oh ya exluding blood sucking desi pimps).

    I find many guys calcluate too much and let go good opportunities, get real guys no one is behind you if you have job and not done anything wrong,

    I really don't care when I get my GC as long as they renew my EAD ( I am on my foruth EAD)

    I have changed jobs twice keeping more or less same job description but salary wise much more what i used to get.
    No need to inform INS. I know most of us little concerned to use AC21 for better job and salary but i never heard of anyone (atleast from my circle ) denied GC for changing job.
    I encourage everybody who come across good opportunity to go for it. Keep same job description ( atleast on paper).


    1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1991 DODGE STEALTH TWIN TURBO

  • insbaby
    02-22 12:27 PM
    An egg, when broken from inside, brings in new life but if broken from outside, kills it.

    It has 1001 meanings within it!

    Thanks for sharing...

    1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1995 Dodge Stealth R/T Turbo
  • 1995 Dodge Stealth R/T Turbo

  • hiUS
    09-05 09:48 AM
    I actually spoke to Customer service and I got 2 very different responses.

    1. Wait till you are an old man and then the cards may just come !! (Just Kidding ) she actually said wait for 90 days.

    2. Another CSR told me that the TSC is having technical issues and they are not able to access the Biometric information on approved 485's in their systems. She advised me to download Form I-90 from the USCIS site and fill that in and send it in - if you have a minor on the petition then also send 2 passport size pictures of the minor - this will allow them to access the Biometric screen when they process the I-90. We will get Biometric notices and the Minor will get the card - the Grown ups will get the Cards after the Biometrics are uploaded.

    I have not done this - eventhough I downloaded the I-90 forms - I took a INFOPASS appt and if they suggest that I should do a I-90 then I can get that done right on the spot - I am carrying the filled I-90 with me. Anyhow I-90 is usually submitted to correct errors on the card or to replace a card - however this woman sounded quite knowledgeable - but then there are issues realted to where the I-90 should be sent - this is specially complicated if your case has been transferred a few times like mine was.

    Best is to check with the guys/gals at Infopass -meeting.

    All this was from the rep at the TSC - so not sure if this is applicable to all centers.


    I will post my Infoapss exp on the 9th of september.

    She was rude and did not even give me the chance to speak.

    What she told is 'My case is approved and they are missing the Biometrics and I will be getting the mail to appear for the Biometrics'
    ...and She is not even giving me the chance to explain the scenario of uploading the Biometrics to TSC etc... (I have seen in the forums that for the numbers starting with WAC...Biometrics were uploaded to CSC and the TSC is unable to upload the Biometrics back to their system. And she told him that she will put a request to upload the Biometrics to TSC ASAP which may take 3 to 4 days)

    When I tried to tell this, the answer I got is "I don't want to hear anything from you and you will be getting the Biometrics mail as we are missing"


    1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. COM Twin Turbo Stealth for
  • COM Twin Turbo Stealth for

  • venkat_s
    08-27 04:24 PM
    Hello All,

    Got greened today !!. Just recieved CPO emails for me and spouse. Feels really great!!. the long wait has finally ended!... Thank you IV for your efforts. this site's been a great resource throughout the GC journey. I wish all the best to all the folks still waiting- HANG in THERE .. sooner or later you will be hearing the good news!. My details below

    PD Oct 21 2005
    RD 7/26/2007
    ND 8/23/2007
    Service Center : NSC

    Last SLUD 08/12/2010
    EAD / AP approved on 08/10/2010

    Infopass on 08/06/2010 - Told was in review - Case assigned to Officer on 07/29/2010.
    SR Opened 08/02/2010 - Wait for 60 days.

    2010 1995 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1991 Dodge Stealth 2 Dr R/T
  • 1991 Dodge Stealth 2 Dr R/T

  • PD_Dec2002
    06-22 03:51 PM
    Giving Pay stubs instead of FUTURE employment letter ?

    That may be a RFE and then eventually you have to give that letter and do more bargaining with your employer...

    I am clarifying myself again. I did not mean to suggest that pay stubs can be used in lieu of FUTURE employment letter.

    In any case, why not change your employer after 6 months of filing for your I-485. From the way they are treating you, you should be the first one to invoke AC21.

    I don't think you will get a RFE within 6 months, but of course you never know. But if we assume normal processing times, I am sure your new employer would give you a letter. However, do consult with an attorney before changing jobs to make sure the job is "same" or "similar".



    1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1994 Black Dodge Stealth
  • 1994 Black Dodge Stealth

  • PlainSpeak
    02-23 08:57 AM
    It is frustrating to see that there is a campaign going on to allow for 485 filing even when pd is current and another thread running that says another fiasco would be bad .... everybody talks/writes/feels only as "what benefits them is good, everything else is not worthwhile or bad"

    True the chance of another July 2007 happening is very dim as USCIS has learnt their lesson. Also they have a better estimation of the pending count.
    I myself have EAD and i support 485 filing without priority date getting current. Even though in the final GC scheme of things that puts a whole bunch of more peope ahead of me, I still support it. At least an EAD lets you chnage a job after 180 days albeit in the same job specification.
    Maybe IV Core has some idea about that (485 filing without PD current) and how it will pan out. Talk to them

    hair Twin Turbo, the Stealth 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. Dodge Stealth Rt Turbo,
  • Dodge Stealth Rt Turbo,

  • tonyHK12
    02-18 02:12 PM
    I will not be able to attend the effort, so i just donated $100. Paypal transaction : 5G8297179W5987836

    thanks kumar_459. Just one for today so far.


    1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1991 dodge stealth twin
  • 1991 dodge stealth twin

  • Legal
    07-28 10:18 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    I know only of Java coffee:). I promise you Ron Hira wouldn't be interested in my application.

    It looks like EB2-EB3 having overlapping qualifications is a major source of frustration for you. I have similar issues with EB1-EB2 overlaping qualifications.

    hot 1991 DODGE STEALTH TWIN TURBO 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1992 Dodge Stealth R/T Twin
  • 1992 Dodge Stealth R/T Twin

  • mirage
    03-08 08:38 PM
    This is what puzzles me, on one hand you tell us 'You couldn't even begin to imagine how many cases like this there are'....
    Which is exactly I have been saying, unless we do something EB3 India could be waiting for a decade or 2...
    But on the other hand if I want to address this issue in a manner which could see least resistance, you tells me I'm living in 'Utopia', administrator threatens to 'Ban' me ????

    On other hand
    There are still lots of cases in eb3 from back that far.

    Many of the eb3 245i cases; there dependents were outside USA. Once; they got greencards; then their dependents went for consular processing or are going for consular processing.

    One of the cases I worked on ability to pay; person had adopted her nephew so that he could get greencard as dependent. You couldn't even begin to imagine how many cases like this there are.


    house 1991 Dodge Stealth R/T Twin 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. I#39;ve also got a 1991 Dodge
  • I#39;ve also got a 1991 Dodge

  • dpp
    07-28 03:09 PM
    As far i know in the whole world, nobody thinks about the group unless it is beneficial to himself(herself) first. This is natural human mentality, there is nothing wrong in it. Only exception is "Saints". I don't think we are Saints.

    The visecral reaction to my thread (not threat!) has only gone to prove my hypothesis - self interest is the ONLY binding factor amongst 'highly skilled' workers

    No one can claim to be 'superior' by virtue of their EB classification and take refuge under the current system by preaching that "it is what it is, you accepted it, so play by it!". What a sudden love fest for a system that you cared to fix not too long ago? So, what changed? The sudden realization that there are a few erudite and vocal EB3 I's that can speak their mind and ask the difficult questions?!

    Willwin is a rare gem that could see the point in my earlier thread ... Others, my post is not 'ugly', it is the reflection that you see when I hold a mirror up to you. Dont like it? Dont blame me.

    Others are scared sh*it that the real deal will be revealed. Just goes to prove that if the current system goes to serve YOUR narrow self interest, you will go to no end to justify it AND defend it... even at the cost of creating deep divides amongst a larger group. Suddenly, your sense of outrage has been channeled against EB3 I's seeking a voice and not against the 'system' that you claimed to care fixing. Nice. A chameleon would be proud to welcome you to the family.

    Dont worry. Sleep easy, no one is going to call Ron or a shrink. I have exposed the duplicity that defines your being ... and you can rest easy knowing that your sense of 'logical reasoning and moral outrage' cannot stand scrutiny on a simple b-board, let alone a court of law ...

    Lets get together to help fix this problem. Let EB3 I's find their voice and make the appeals that they need to. They DO NOT need the approval or outrage of EB2's trying to protect their new found turf. Get the drift?

    Many EB3 I's have waited 5+ years in dead end jobs and possibly single incomes only to see EB2 come hither and walk easy. No jealousy or blame. Just the hard question to those that holler back "dont complaint EB2 was meant to be a higher category" ... want to respond to a "higher calling" ... i.e., holding up your petitions to objective scrutiny not prejudiced by narrow goals?

    After all, one would find that MOST work done by EB2 I's does not really require a Masters degree. Just ask a high school Java whizkid.

    I rest my case and will not waste my time responding to emotional outbursts or getting dragged into the cesspit of poor logic. Got it?


    tattoo 1995 Dodge Stealth R/T Turbo 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1991 Dodge Stealth RT Twin
  • 1991 Dodge Stealth RT Twin

  • Ashok
    05-23 11:54 AM
    Sent emails to 2+10 senators.


    pictures COM Twin Turbo Stealth for 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1994 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo.
  • 1994 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo.

  • sanjeev
    06-18 10:49 AM
    Sanjeev: How do you know it was received by NSC on June 4th,is there on line reference? did you get a letter of recepit? DId your lawyer call them or you just checked the courier company on line receipt?

    Lawyer had given me a tracking number.

    dresses 1992 Dodge Stealth R/T Twin 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. Used Dodge Stealth RT Twin
  • Used Dodge Stealth RT Twin

  • WeShallOvercome
    10-08 03:09 PM
    We are all missing a point here.

    Someone with a PD of 2006 who filed his/her AOS in 2006 should be far ahead in processing compared to someone with a PD of 2001(or who has been in the country for the last 20 years) but applied just a week ago.

    Should USCIS hold the first case and wait for the other case to reach that stage? They can certainly do that if we don't blame them for wasting visa numbers every year.

    It's not as simple as it sounds --Give GC to those old timers before the new comers!

    Having said that, It certainly makes more sense to have some system which would atleast honestly attempt to be fair to the old timers.

    BTW, I'm an old timer myself, 7th year in the country and a PD of 2003.

    I would rather have them approve ANY case instead of wasting a single visa number.


    makeup 1994 Black Dodge Stealth 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1991 Dodge Stealth R/T Twin
  • 1991 Dodge Stealth R/T Twin

  • vjkypally
    05-19 11:08 PM
    Just Donated 25 dollars. I don't see Donor status. Does it take time?

    girlfriend 1991 Dodge Stealth RT Twin 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo.
  • Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo.

  • factoryman
    06-14 09:41 PM
    Waiting. Waiting to rebook cancelled tickets. Waiting to plan a short vacation after many years, but still comeback just in time for FP appointment.

    hairstyles 1991 dodge stealth twin 1991 dodge stealth twin turbo. 1992 Dodge Stealth Rt Twin
  • 1992 Dodge Stealth Rt Twin

  • rc0878
    09-20 01:13 PM

    You can use the following link to check the status of any application. Simply enter your WAC receipt numbers -:;jsessionid=baclUg5aAK5E J5v5t4Jur

    Also you can use the same link to register your account, that ways you will automatically recieve an email, once there is an update on your case.

    Good luck!!!!!

    Labor Certified in June 2006-India
    I-140 approved Dec 2006
    I-485 filed on July 23rd 2007 > Checks got cashed > Got Recipt:WAC ###
    EAD filed on July 23rd 2007 > Checks got cashed > Got Recipt:WAC ###
    AP filed on July 23rd 2007 > Checks got cashed > Got Recipt : WAC ###

    How do I check if EAD card has been ordered and/or AP approved?

    Your all are awesome and Thanks to Immigration Voice.

    09-12 12:50 PM
    Got EAD Cards :):)

    Application Center : TSC
    PD: August 2006
    I140 Approved: 18 May 2007
    I485 Filed : 02 July 2007
    Checks Encached : 28 August 2007
    Notice Date: 01 September 2007
    EAD Approved : 04 September 2007
    EAD Cards recieved : 10 September 2007

    03-25 04:14 PM
    I think you will get in less than 2 years. It will not take 10 years. Hang on. Total GC process time from applying to labor to getting GC usually is 4 years. some unlucky people had to wait more than that. But more than 80% fall in to 4 year time line.

    but some were lucky people got it quickly because they could cut lines.

    Thats not true. My PD is March 2005. When my PD comes, I have to apply for EAD whereas others will get GC. Oh such a screwed up system.

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