Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • kprgroup
    02-09 12:21 PM
    India Super Cycle Report

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  • amitjoey
    07-09 05:14 PM

    Please rate it with 5 stars.

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  • bkarnik
    05-02 09:03 PM
    If the CIR seems likely to pass, I believe Sen. Cornyn will push for this bill to be added to the CIR as an amendment, much similar to what Sen. Durbin did with the DREAM bill. Amongst the bills I have seen, this bill is the best one so far. Agreed it does not address all that we want....but compared to where we are, this bill will achieve a lot for us. Especially, if the AOS clause passes, it pretty much means that you can file I-485 i.e. it means that you and your dependents become eligible for EAD and all the benefits associated with it. :)

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  • RockyRocky
    09-03 04:09 PM
    sk2006, could you please share more details ?? like when exactly you got card production email , when u got approval notice email and when exactly u received physical GC.

    sk2006 -- can u shed some light on above please?


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  • cooldude
    09-30 08:10 PM
    How much tense I should feel!!! Applied on July 23rd at NSC and no news so far.

    Anyone in the same boat?


    Applied on July 19 at NSC and still nothing.

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  • kshitijnt
    04-24 12:51 AM
    Tell me what wrong he did for him to apologize and I will apologize to you. When nothing is permanent he worked with them for 1 and half years, he got them 4 employees. Why in the world should he apologize?.

    When you say that you will not need your clients you are wrong. when I was searching for projects I got a chance to apply to a job opening in one of my previous client, guess what, the start to my second stint was smooth just because I had a good rapport with my client and they liked my work. I even got one of my team mates in my client place to give me a referral for my higher studies.

    "Your ex boss is not a bad guy, he knows you are leaving for better opportunity".He is not only a bad guy, he is evil IF (note the big IF) he is keeping the money which is not his. Their conscience should prick when they feed and give excellent education to their kids with the ill gotten money.

    Unfortunately one might need his ex-employer in future (might not always be the case) and that is the irony of it all.

    What wrong he did? Nothing illegal but certainly not the best practise. Atleast he has been insensitive to his former employer.


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  • amitjoey
    07-09 08:04 PM
    Ok, Those who have not sent flowers, consider sending them. And everybody please take 10 minutes and email the news out to reporters, friends, and family. It has a ripple effect. Also talk about it to your coworkers. Text, orkut, or call your friends.

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  • austindesi
    11-22 12:34 PM

    Miracles happen and it will happen in your case. All of us are praying for you. I don't know where you reside inside USA. Is there anyway we can help you? Let us all know.

    Wish you all the best.


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  • Prashant
    07-03 12:03 PM
    SWEETHEART ROSES .. I need to do it in secrecy then .. close my doors and keep my wife out .. :D

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  • syzygy
    07-10 08:19 AM
    Racial Discrimination Policy followed by USA Immigration

    some suggestions on the content that we should put on the banners for the San

    Some Quotes from famous people which might help in the rally:

    There is nothing less to our credit than our neglect of the foreigner and his children, unless it be the arrogance most of us betray when we set out to ''Americanize'' him. Charles Horton Cooley 1864-1929, American Sociologist

    We can add some thing personal below the above statement on the pamphlets

    Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life.
    --John F. Kennedy
    PS: So Let it be �.

    America was and is the immigrant's dream.
    Don DeLillo
    PS: Do not smash it by the incompetent immigration services

    Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from IMMIGRATIONs and revolutionists.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882-1945, Thirty-second President of the USA

    The divide of race has been America�s constant curse. They divide us by the country of origin and allocate the green card where in they have to look what an individual can offer to the country.
    If you are an Indian or Chinese or Mexican rot for 11 years before you are accepted by the country as a permanent resident. This is what the Immigration law sounds like now.
    �. hehehe my quotation


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  • manja
    11-17 03:39 PM
    Done for TX. Thanks!

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  • zoooom
    07-19 07:46 PM
    Yeah I saw it..Great job!!. We need people to notice this.


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  • chanduv23
    08-26 12:51 PM
    May be not true, my case assgined to officer on june 29th and no news yet. But I wish Ski_dude12 good luck.

    Did you try Ombudsman route? It may take a few more weeks, I guess it is worth a try.

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  • kshitijnt
    05-10 09:22 PM
    Too bad you did not bother reading up on the net before you took your job. I researched what is involved prior to leaving grad school and I knew it was a long wait. Like I said quota is there because of numbers / diversity. US needs programmers from more than just one country.

    And its not really a quota since numbers are rolled at the end of the year to oversubscribed countries. Your notion of separate queues derives from your ignorance of how immigration works. Why hasn't anyone challenged the quota in the Supreme Court ?

    Maybe we will. If community comes together. Lawsuit requires lot of money. There is a saying in India that a wise man should never climb the steps of the court, however; after repeated insults and discriminations he becomes unwise. And good that you read the rules, but you said something like grad school? Was it US grad school? Dont you know criterion and intention on F1 is to go back? I came here on H1 directly. At that time, I was too young and naive to see the sandtraps. You cant blame for someone falling in a well disguised hole.


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  • sanhari
    07-16 05:09 PM
    I am starting this new thread to discuss about EB visas spillover usage based on oldest priority date irrespective of category/country. Currently the spillover happens vertically(a top down approach) from EB1 -> EB2 -> EB3...etc. Instead it should be first used on cases with oldest priority date. This will not only give a good move to clear the backlog but will also be a fair rule for those who are patiently waiting in queue for a long time. I wrote my concern about this to my local congressman. I also request each one of you, who is impacted by this, or who is interested to help us out, to kindly contact your local congressman/woman to express your concern. In turn they can contact USCIS to implement this fair rule to help us all out.

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  • zeta7
    03-22 11:33 PM

    I'm in pretty much in the same boat as some of the other posters here. I don't have a valid H1b in my passport, I-140/I-485 is pending. EAD/AP is approved. My landing visa for Canada expires in May.

    Has anyone tried landing and returning to the U.S. while on pending I-485 by utilizing their AP yet? Any issues? I expect my POE to be Chicago. Any information would be much appreciated.

    This is driving me nuts. I really *really* don't want to abandon the Canada option, but the information I've come across on the forums have left me very apprehensive. I applied for Canadian Residency so that I could sleep a little better at night for the next three years, but looks like I bargained for nightmares instead!

    Awaiting your responses. Thanks guys...


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  • roseball
    09-10 10:09 AM
    I don't know what this means. This is what it say in the Mumbai website.
    Category India Most Other Countries
    F1 22 July 2003 22 July 2003
    FX 1 March 2003 1 March 2003
    F2A 1 June 2005 1 June 2005
    F2B 22 August 2001 22 August 2001
    F3 15 Janurary 2001 15 Janurary 2001
    F4 15 April 1999 15 April 1999
    E1 Current Current
    E2 22 January 2005 Current
    E3 22 February 2002 1 June 2002
    EW 1 June 2001 1 June 2001
    E4 Current Current
    E4-Religious Current Current

    Either the US Consulate got the EB-3 India date wrong or there was a typo in the Oct Visa Bulletin. I wish/hope there was a typo in the bulletin and Mumbai consulate got it right....Cut Off Dates- Consulate General of the United States Mumbai, India ( it seems they might have copied the date from China column of the visa bulletin...

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  • pitha
    07-08 06:16 PM
    As I said dont just take the example I gave, consider all the visa bulletin for the last 30+ years and you will fidn a lot of examples.

    Pitha -- you forget one very important thing -- they still wasted 10K visas in 2006. So in Aug and July they had not actually consumed all the visas -- they just expected to in August and didn't manage to.

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  • h1b_forever
    02-01 08:03 AM
    I agree with your assessment. I was there myself this past dec/Jan and I am thinking along the same lines

    I dont see why we need to struggle here and the future looks so bleak. India is really booming and we have missed out on the best 5 years of that. If we dont move back in the next 2-3 years we would have missed out on the biggest boom period in India's history.

    There was a time when Infrastructure in India was the biggest concern, but things are changing rapidly. I was amazed at the changes in the last 2 years since I was last there.

    Good luck to you and hopefully I am able to make up my mind soon

    07-06 11:16 PM
    I like the CD idea very much. Ithink it will attrack attention. Have not heared money people doing it for the purpose of protest.

    12-20 10:15 AM
    Friends - I went for FP appointment on 10/23/2007. But when I check USCIS website. The LUD still shows me 09/20/2007 on I-485. Please let me know if this is normal...

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