Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • sobers
    07-04 12:06 PM
    "It's like living in a holding pattern continuously," said Swati Srivastava, 28, a member of Immigration Voice, a new grass-roots organization of skilled foreign workers pushing for immigration reform. The Internet-based group formed late last year and has about 5,000 members scattered around the country.

    "We work in [the] U.S. legally in high-skilled jobs, but we still get penalized for playing by the rules," Immigration Voice co-founder Aman Kapoor said in an e-mail. "Since no one was working on our issues, we decided to organize.",1,1670817.story?page=2&cset=true&ctrack=1

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  • samsanju.corp
    01-08 02:10 AM
    Interview date 9th dec 2009
    Submitted all documents 10th dec 2009 as mentioned below:-

    1) Petitioner's Federal Income Tax returns
    2) Petitioner's state unemployment wage reports for last 4 quarters.
    3) Letter from end client in US on letterhead indicating your services are expected.
    4) List of petitioner's employees at your job site including names, titles, salaries, and immigration status.
    5) Copy of contract between petitioner and contracting company with detailed job itinerary.

    Till date I together with my employer have written 6 emails but there is no response.
    I personally visited mumbai Consulate information center but they did't ave me any answer.

    Can anyone please tell me how long this whole process will take?

    Is there any chance that such case goes into endless loop?

    My house and all belongings are in U.S. and I am clueless as what to do

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  • eb3retro
    06-06 07:37 PM
    Or you are going to be more scared and let these suckers suck you out more? The reason I am skeptical is, time to time we IVians receive these kind of posts all of a sudden and they vanish all of a sudden too. People like american desi give you all a fantastic response and my frustration is not knowing if you guys follow it. This is america for godsake and there are laws protecting the employee from these so called bodyshoppers who almost dont exist anymore. Partly the reason is because these suckers played so much of illegal things in the past, such as writing ridiculous contracts and preying on people like you. I even wonder how come people sign these contracts even in these days. Please take up american desi's advice and stand up for yourself and show your vendor that you are not scared of these things. and last but not the least, for your sake and for other people who may fall for this trap to this vendor, please do report them to department of labor.

    Bottom line - pls dont come here for a quick response. We treat questions posted by others seriously and give meaningful and sincere reply. And on your end, please do what needs to be done.


    I used to work to a client in Phx, got an interview request @ a financial firm in New york cleared it and vendor started processin' my H1 transfer. For the interview or for rellocation i wasn't paid anything. But before the start date bcoz of my credit report client rejected my offer.

    But the vendor nuthin' in writing was the one who asked me to resign and bcoz of him was on bench for almost 2 1/2 months, now they say somewhere in the contract which says i have to repay all the expenses they spend on me which was close to $5000.

    They sent an email sayin' i haven't provided the services to them from the start date indicated on the contract so have to repay them. Will i have to repay them jst bcoz i signed tht piece of the contract but i was rejected by the client, they said they won't try for new jobs i have to search myself as well they haven't paid me anything since they got my H1.

    Do i stand any chance if i contact DOL or a lawyer not payin' them.

    Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

    The contract that you signed is valid only if UBS and your vendor have a work order between them stating that you will be offering your services to UBS from such and such date. As you failed the background check, I assume that they never executed such a work order.

    Your vendor is asking for trouble. They're supposed to pay you the prevailing wage from the day you started working with them until the termination of employment. Moreover termination of employment is applicable only if they notify USCIS to cancel your H1. In such a case they're supposed to provide a return flight ticket for you and your dependents.

    Your employer obviously doesn't know the rules governing H1 and is trying to play scare tactics with you. All you need to do now is to find another employer and transfer your H1. Then file a complaint with DOL to recover the backwages for the period you were on bench.

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  • gcpool
    08-23 12:02 PM
    in EB3, EB2 and EB1


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  • MerciesOfInjustices
    02-22 09:59 PM
    Pardon my ignorance, but what is PBEC exactly and what are the issues regarding it? Something to do with Labor backlogs?

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  • Hermione
    09-27 08:49 AM
    Law abiding? I beg to differ. Application for asylum goes to court only if the petitioner spent more than one year illegally in the US.

    That does not change the fact that the immigration system is broken, I just want to point out that what is considered to be "law abiding" or "law breaker" is aften very-very relative. We are all in the same boat.


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  • wildcat1313
    03-30 04:53 PM
    How in the world did you get so many greens??

    You have done your bit. Great! But that doesnt mean everyone has to believe in what you believe. You are acting as if you made a mistake by contributing to IV because other people are not contributing and that is frustrating to you. Please don't think you are doing a favor to anybody by contributing to IV. You are doing it for your own benefit. If somebody doesn't want to contribute, that's fine. Nobody needs a preaching here.

    Contributing to IV is not the only possible contribution that a person may make to this world.

    Thanks guys for your support. Its not that I didn't want to contribute and I will definetely do it once I get my H1 visa stamped.

    Status Update -
    Manager is working actively on getting all the documents ready including detailed job description, requriements that were posted when I joined, vendor letter stating they cannot provide the master agreement with detailed duties. My client lawyers have asked the vendor not to share the master agreeement otherwise it will be a breach of contract, so there is nothing much my manager can do.

    My company has already prepared a letter to show work schedule if I get out of work with current client.
    So now I have almost all the letters that I have been asked for but I'm still not sure if I will get the visa without the master agreement. Do I have a choice?

    What do you guys think?

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  • pappu
    07-14 01:50 PM
    This link didn't work for me either.



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  • Nil
    06-16 08:52 AM

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  • msp1976
    05-19 10:41 AM
    I need some advice from the people on this board.

    My labor certification was recently approved via PERM. My employer will soon be signing the paperwork to file the I-140 with INS. My contract with him expires in February 2007, and he wants me to continue working for him beyond that. I, however, have expressed my desire NOT to stay with him any longer than I need to. Obviously, I will need to stay until 6 months have passed from the filing of my I-485 for portability to kick in.

    the whole employment thing works with the premise that you are going to work for him after you get your GC...However unjust that might be that is how it is...So you got to reconcile with that fact...And you have to cultivate better relations with your employer....You should not speak about him/lawyer about leaving him. If you have already said that you have done damage to your cause and you have to do some damage control.....I know that employers are a pain in you know what but if you want GC you would need to take the pain ....


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  • bank_king2003
    04-21 11:29 AM
    I did try to get into it so that i can start an effort to file a lawsuit but it seems after spending couple of hundread dollars to talk to lawyers I came across that federal courts have no power to do anything against USCIS if it is ineffeciency due to beurocracy delays.

    So Technically you can file a lawsuit even as an individual but then Federal Court wont be able to held USCIS accountable as USCIS will give excuse as beurocracy delays and lack of resources and that lands on Congress so Federal court will have to get Congress involved.

    Very Sad ... but its true ... this is a clean example how unfair this country is and it still preaches other countries on this planet about liberty, justice blah blah ...

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  • pou-pou
    06-11 08:44 PM
    wow :D I have done good here :D :lol:

    well, the guy with the green swan stamp should win though :love:


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  • LostInGCProcess
    08-30 02:11 PM
    Isnt recording conversations without the consent illegal? :confused:

    Found on the net:

    The U.S. federal law allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call. A majority of the states and territories have adopted wiretapping statutes based on the federal law, although most have also extended the law to cover in-person conversations. 38 states and the D.C. permit recording telephone conversations to which they are a party without informing the other parties that they are doing so.

    12 states require, under most circumstances, the consent of all parties to a conversation. Those jurisdictions are California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington.

    It is illegal under all jurisdictions to record calls in which one is not a party.

    A complete state-by-state set of regulations regarding telephone call recording may be obtained in the following report published by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press:

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  • cox
    October 28th, 2005, 08:59 AM
    A last shot. I liked this one, as did the client.


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  • jliechty
    May 23rd, 2005, 10:00 AM
    The second one is good, but I feel that it's too heavily "weighted" on the right side, with nothing to balance things out on the left side. I only wish that the foreground plant was conveniently moved a yard / meter to the left for you. ;)

    However, I'll go with the others and vote for the first one being the best. :)

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  • leo2606
    09-24 03:42 PM
    My wife is on H1-B valid till May-2010 and she got EAD for 2 years as well.
    She is planning to take up permanent job at the client place she is currently working as a consultant.

    What is the best? tranfering the H1-B or using EAD. Does she need to invok e AC-21 in bothe the cases?


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  • BPforGC
    10-15 12:28 PM
    1. It goes to the mail room and stamped on the date it was received.
    2. Goes through tagging, "A" number will be assigned, bar code and a cover sheet will be attached.
    3. All of your pending petitions such as I-140s, priority date information, finger prints, name check, chargability country information will be loaded into your A-file.
    4. USCIS has a system of tracking the A-files of the pending 485s and picks those who satisfies all these conditions for adjudication.
    a) I-140 must be approved and no inconsistencies should be found related to your employer letter, residence, etc.
    b) Priority date must be current otherwise VISA number file cannot be requested. The date when USCIS got your 485 matters very little here. Guys who sent their 485 after you may get ahead of you.
    c) Your finger prints must be there along with medicals. Namecheck may be waived if you are past 180 days.
    d) Then, if everything is fine, your file will be allocated to an Officer. Wait! it did not go to him yet. It may take upto 30 days for your file to go to the officer. By that time if priority date goes backward, you are back to square one.
    e) Once it reaches the officer's desk, he can take upto 2 weeks to adjudicate it. When he enters your information, A-number and if VISA number is not available, it goes back to "pending VISA number availability" status. You are out of luck. Fortunately, USCIS can track these kind of cases separately and as soon as VISA numbers are available and priority date is current, they will adjudicate your 485.

    Its like the flow chart for a COBAL the program, if 'yes' got to step 4, at step 4 "if answer is 'no', go back to step 1 and start over". Its an unending loop and if you can manage 4-5 'yes', you get your card.

    So, many things can go wrong for people from India and China due to retrogression and adjudication of 485 is a matter of luck even if your priority date is current. A single issue can derail the whole process. It is also upto officer's discretion if he considers some information not complete and issue a RFE.

    Its a messed up system. In my case, USCIS agreed that my work is on national interest and greatly benefit the country and my I-140 was approved under EB2-NIW. However, being from India, I need to wait another 5 years to get my green card. How ridiculous?

    God save us.
    All at NSC
    EB1-EA: I-140 (4/3/2007; RFE-9/2/2008; pending)
    EB2-NIW: I-140 (4/4/2007)- approved 8/7/2008
    I-485 : 7/24/2007 - Pending

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  • kminkeller
    03-09 02:49 PM
    Completely valid question ivgclive. Yes it has been more than 3 years that I had EAD. Only fear that I have right now is for EAD you need to have a job at all times in case I get an RFE or any kind of notice to prove that I am working on similar job. In this economy you never know what is going to happen. You have a job now and you may not have it later. That is what concerns me a lot coz I have a family here and bought a house and other responsibilities. So I was hoping porting to EB2 was not that long process from Labor, I140 then I485. and that is why I needed to know if I need H1 to apply for Labor on EB2.

    BTW is there a chance USCIS can reject my application in case I don't have my job? If they cannot reject my application then I am fine with just EAD until i get my GC.


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  • sheela
    09-23 11:18 AM
    Anybody having experience with USCIS Ombudsman office. How urgent the cases are taken and how soon they are resolved? Does assistance help?

    08-10 02:18 PM
    Good Morning,

    I went to the uscis local office. The officer told my case SRC-****7236 (765) Renewal was denied on 06/25/2010. He didn’t have the denial details. He told he will send an email to Texas USCIS asking the details. He also told my 485 motion approved and my recent travel document approved but strange that they denied EAD.

    Unfortunately we (Myself & Lawyer) never received a denial notice.

    My EAD is expiring sep 3rd. I know mostly they denied by without seeing my 485 motion approval.I am requesting denial notice by opening SR

    Help me and suggest to overcome this SITUATION (Another wrong denial by USCIS.)


    Background OF Myself
    1)Worked for Company A from 2003 to 2008.
    2)Company A applied I-140 and approved April 2006. AOS 485 filed on July 2007. Got EAD but never used it
    3)September 2008 I have Joined employer “B” by transferring H1B (Valid until Aug 2010).
    4)Employer A revoked 140 which triggered 485 denials in October 2008.
    5)Applied MTR and it was approved in NOVEMBER 2008 and 485 reopened.
    I understand its painful , but unless you can get hold of Denial letter there is nothing much, anything else is pure speculation. Ask to send the Denial letter soon/again. If you can reach out to level 2 officer he/she MIGHT be able to see the cause of denial. what does online status say ?

    01-30 12:24 PM
    Here's a template you can use to E-mail. Put your name and address as newspapers don't normally respond to E-mails sent anonymously. Also customize as required. Please kep the reference to IV Press Release as it's important to get coverage for our issue.

    Contact info for MI Newspapers -

    Dear Editor,

    I'm a regular reader of your newspaper, and would like you to cover the issues faced by legal highly-skilled immigrants due to decision by Michigan Secretary of State Ms. Terri Lynn Land to deny Driving Licences to residents on temporary visa status. This rule impacts thousands of legal immigrant workers in Michigan, like me, by impacting our ability to commute to work. It also affects a large number of International students studying in the state universities.

    As a regular reader , I feel disappointed by the lack of media coverage for an issue affecting thousands in the state, including yours. Immigration Voice ( , a non-profit grassroots organization working to fix the issues faced by legal employment-based immigrants has issued a press release on the issue.

    I urge you to cover this issue through a news story. Immigration Voice has been collecting stories from affected members of our community. If your newsreporters need any help in developing the story, Immigration Voice can certainly help you on this issue. Michigan chapter of Immigration Voice can be contacted by E-mailing - vivek AT ImmigrationVoice DOT org



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