Thursday, June 30, 2011

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    06-07 10:46 AM
    I will have to check with my attorney. But, my I-140 approval came from TSC but my I-485 application was sent to NSC.

    If anyone else has had a similar experience, please post your update here.



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  • mariusp
    05-07 09:02 PM
    They almost always take some kind of FPs. What I mean is that there are 3 biometrics codes. Code 3 is the most comprehensive, where they take your photo, signature and all ten fingers FP. Check your notice in the upper right corner, there should be a box that says "Code".

    I got biometrics notice today. Will they take FP also on the same day or Will I get another notice for FP?

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  • unitednations
    03-08 04:33 PM
    You are in this society for 35 years, so I'm not sure what's your objective of being on this forum...Anyway about your observation on Visa spill over, what you are saying is 180 different tha what other lawyers are saying, they are saying until 2007 DOS was reading the law differently so India was getting the spillover Visas, now they have started reading it differently hence India is not getting more than 7% Visas now, it is very obvious, from EB-3 India being in Oct-2001 for last 2 years, and EB-2 haven't seen any substantial movement either....

    That is many peoples problems isn't it? They are active on forums, care about greencards, keep abreast on legislative stuff and then once they get greencard they disappear.

    If someone is from USA and they go to your country and live there for five years; they do not have historical context of why things are done the way they are done; no matter how long they research it.

    We'll see when statistics come out. Which lawyers by the way say their interpretation is 180 degrees different?

    How much visas did India get for the period October 1, 2004 to September 2005 (off the top of my head it was 50,000)

    From October 2005 to September 2006 (it was around 10,500)

    For the period October 2006 to September 2007 (someone want tofind it; it was more then 7%)

    October 2007 to September 2008 (to be determined)

    Department of State has been all over the place by changing their interpretation? btw; I doubt with visa movements the way they are that they are establishing country quota of 7%. If they were then that would mean there is only 2,800 people including dependents waiting for greencard in eb2 prior to April 2004.

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  • kumjay
    06-26 02:56 PM
    I love the way desi3933 jumps on someone else's comment in bold and red font. Keep it up!!

    >> "No, employment letter is absolutely required...", well, it is not.

    You are wrong. How are the pay stubs link to your future GC job. Employment Letter is listed right there on I-485 form as initial evidence.

    Do NOT confuse Current Employment Letter with Employment Letter for GC job

    Not a legal advice.
    Permanent Resident since May 2002


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  • johnwright03
    01-31 11:27 AM
    so venkat, i have a qn for you? only people who studied here, got opt and h1 are the brainy people huh? In your opinion offshore people working here on H1b is cheap ass? Could you please enlighten everyone here as to how come you came to this conclusion?

    Folks please stop bickering...As someone said everyone is here to find a better life and enjoy the same...everyone has the one field or the other...and it's not that folks who have Master's from US are the only SMART people..!!!
    So, let's try to find a solution to nehas issue...I know so many people are looking for the same solution in this Economical Recession time...may be Nehas is on H1b but many are here on their final stages of GC and getting laid, no one knows their fate until it happens..!!!
    And as far as I know...nehas status is illegal now...meaning one cannot stay on H1b without getting paid...and nehas should know that it would be hard for you to go for permanent residency in the future..!! So, nehas the best solution would be try to find a job ASAP or change status back to H4...!!! well going, to h4 is just your choice...and note that no one is forcing you to do so..but be reminded that you will have trouble going forward in the future for your GC...

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  • darslee
    07-10 04:55 PM
    In the past week, the "Protest Blooms" campaign notched up the following wins:
    Times of India article
    Buzz in the blogosphere
    Attention from many attorney websites and blogs
    Had a Washington Post journalist show interest in our issue and had tens of our members talk to her - which should result in a good article. How many times have we seen so many regular members of IV being able to speak to a reporter of a mainstream US publication on our issues?
    Had a senior Reuters editor talk to many of us and he promised a sustained coverage of our issues
    Had a senior reporter from New York Times talk to me
    Had the footage of this entire event shown on CNN in India
    Had many small media outlets which never cover these kind of issues, cover it (in smaller towns in MN and NY)
    Created a sense of action in the community which was feeling pretty dejected after the USCIS fiasco
    Had USCIS director react to us
    Had so much interest generated that the IV website was brought down J
    Brought a great deal of attention to IV (see previous point)And all this was accomplished with a severe time crunch. The grassroots effort involved in this campaign was unbelievable - thanks to everyone who kept the faith.

    Was the point of this campaign to have our flowers be decorated on the desk of the director of USCIS? I don't think so. The word again was "symbolic" and that purpose is served whether the flowers are in boxes or in full view of the world.

    Would it have made for better visuals if the flowers were in full view? Sure. Is there a way to improve upon every campaign? Sure.

    Let us learn from what went right and what went wrong and use this to better execute all future events.

    Absolutely right! Good job eveyone who participated! :)


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  • abq_gc
    08-18 03:03 PM
    Yes they may be by some people. But the rules of this forum state quite clearly, that cussing is NOT welcome. This website is often frequented by members of the Senate/Congress (not the actual lawmakers themselves ofcourse, but their support staff). Do we really want them to see "highly skilled professionals" cussing left and right on them? No.

    Just because the IV moderators cannot moderate this forum 24/7 does not mean that we take advantage and post garbage on here

    Ok no more cursing... and I agree it wasnt the most sensible thing to do on my part.. but man.. I am frustrated.. and I know so are you but can we please think about it with a cool head and come up with something ????

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  • sracharla
    08-22 07:36 PM
    I got my EAD today...Even i received my EAD also...Mine is sent to NSC on july 2nd...I received EAD's from Texas Center...I think my application was transferred to Texas...I have approved I-140 from Texas...Are receipt numbers for EAD, 485, AP are in serial? I haven't received receipts yet...I filled attorney did not receive my receipts...I don't know what is going on...


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  • test101
    07-09 10:41 AM
    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701

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  • diptam
    07-04 07:54 PM
    I worked with a MNC for 4 yr 10 months at US soil and they ruined my GC saying that they want me more at Offshore (India ).... I got intelligence about this planning about 3 months earlier from a real good friend of mine ... So i arranged a H1B Job with a Desi consulting company in this 3 months and when they asked me to go back To India - you know what finger i've shown them.

    Now this desi consulting company kept their words with salary,applied for LC quickly( because my H1 was close to 6 yrs) and i'm with them for 2.5 yrs . Now when i reached them for a employer letter for 485 they changed colors and asked me to sign a 10K bond for staying with them 1 year after GC ( which is an indeterminate period given retrogression)

    Which employer would you call better ?? :)

    Problem is not only with the desi companies! If you work for the so called MNC, still you will be exploited. At least if you convince your desi employer that you will work for them for X number of years, they will be ready to help you. Sometimes they will go beyond the legal limits if the get return from you. Not true with MNCs. In the name of abiding the law, the will not help you. I have seen many people work MNCs, just at the verge of getting the GC, they got laid off! No need for me to tell what happened to his GC.

    So in my opinion the best way to get your GC is go thru the blood suckers! That is the price you have to pay to become citizen of this "Land of Opportunity".


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  • deepakjain
    05-12 06:46 PM
    How do we contribute and participate in any campaign of to even become a donor???

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  • user2005
    05-23 04:39 PM
    another reporter contacted me today. so this campaign is working. lets continue this good work.

    A little checklist to encourage other IV members to work on action items.

    1) Funding Drive
    Just made paypal contribution for $100.

    2) Media Drive
    Sent IV press release ( to major Newspapers/Magazines/Television Networks/News Services using AILA site

    3) Email to Senators
    Sent to all senators in list by visiting their sites.

    4) IV Fax

    Will work on (5) Phone Campaign ( as soon as I get chance at work.


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  • svgupta
    05-23 12:43 PM
    For those of you, who are still just browsing through the threads... wake up... this is the time when you can make a difference to NOT just your life... but others as well... who would thank you for your sincere efforts in fixing the broken immigration.

    - Send emails
    - Contribute
    - Focus on burning issues, by avoiding to start a new low priority personal opinion threads/ seeking advice. You'll have all the time in this world later to have your personal queries answered

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  • mahujam
    07-28 12:54 PM
    Received by USCIS on 12th June.
    Lud on 18th June.
    No receipt received. Found SRC number through cashed check.
    No further movement yet.

    Eb-3/India/17th Jan 2003.

    Just got email. No card yet.

    Current Status: Card production ordered.
    On July 26, 2008, we ordered production of your new card

    Another thing I just noticed is a LUD on my I-140 which was approved a year ago ( july5th 2007)
    The lud happened on 7/27/2008.


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  • sGC
    08-22 12:29 PM
    On Aug 19th we got our CPO emails. I was on vacation so couldn't post the message to the site. After that no updates from USCIS. Still waiting on the Notice mails.

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  • swissgear
    08-25 04:34 PM
    No approvals today? Whats going on???

    There were a couple of approvals today from TSC by looking at the other site.But slowed down a lot. Maybe USCIS is taking a break this last week and preparing for the next month:)


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  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-15 06:14 PM
    I 've sent pm.. please update the google doc.

    Thanks gcgonewild. The spreadsheet is updated now.

    Others who are wondering what's goin's a recap:

    We are collecting pledges to file a lawsuit against USICS against these random and opaque processing of GC's. Our target is to get 1000 affected people to pledge atlaset $100 each so that we can fund this lawsuit. No money being collected right now..just honest pledges.

    There is a current list of members who have pledged support on the link below.

    If you would like to help in this effort, please send me a private message with the following info:
    1) Ur IV handle
    2) Ph#
    3) Email ID
    4) Amount you would like to pledge.

    Please note, we will move forward only if we have atleast 1000 pledged members to make up a sound force behind this campaign. So unity is the key here. We will not collect money unless we have a solid proof that we are not alone in this fight.

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  • Amma
    02-24 08:07 AM
    Thanks for your help the common cause.

    Keep it up.

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  • Dhundhun
    08-24 01:38 AM
    Everybody has been waiting for his/her green card and congratulations to all those who has got their GC. On the other hand it is really unfair and to some extent unethical on the part of USICS not follow a fair system.
    There are several people in 2004, 2005 who have been paitently waiting for their turn only to see that people behind them getting approved.

    You are talking about 2004, 05. What about 2001, 2002 and 2003? There are so many people with 2002 priority dates still waiting just like me. Mine is 02/2002

    SunnySurya and Refugee_New, I agree with you. But it is the style of USCIS. But there are several unfairness going on, but the ones hurting more to these cases:
    - Old EB2 cases (2001..2003)
    - New EB2 cases (2004 and 2005)
    - EB2 TSC processing Vs NSC processing
    - Most of old EB3 Cases
    - Every year loosing Visas
    - Kids aging out
    - And so on...

    The list can easily grow up. These are so much complicated that several civil rights activist put together can not get them fixed.

    02-02 07:21 PM
    Finally we have decided to go back to India for good. I filed my EB3 in May 2003. Its going to be another 4 years to get the green card. When I went to India for vacation last December, we liked it over there & the economy is booming. There are all sorts of discussion regarding the Economic Gap/Politics/Corruption/Cleanliness. But we like it over there. Finally I will have an option to do something interesting. In US I was very much dependent on my monthly pay check and afraid to take even the slightest risk. I am also scared to use the AC21(Hey, thats the way I am). I am working with the same company for last 10 years, kinda stagnant in the last 4 years. In India, there are lots of choices, either to work for a sw company or start some business on my own. I think I will take the business route.

    May be I can go there, earn well, send my son to US for college, do green card through him & come retire in US!!!

    Good Luck to everybody!!

    Good luck to you! I am also thinking on going back in couple of years, not because of the GC backlog, but to live rest of my life with my extended family.

    06-05 11:04 PM
    I am EB3 with PD of Oct 2003. My attorney filed on June first. I will give update as soon as I get the recipet #.

    Does any one knows what happened after you apply in Nebraska. Do they send your application to Service center or will be processes all the way through in Nebraska. I live in Texas and my attorney said we must file in Nebraska and can not send to Texas service center any more.

    Is that true?


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