Tuesday, June 28, 2011

masonic tattoos

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  • english_august
    07-07 04:09 PM
    Great news: IV core is supporting the flower campaign - see this thread (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6191). :)

    We have until tonight to place in the orders so that the flowers can be delivered on Tuesday.

    Everyone who kept the faith - thanks and lets continue sending emails or calling people to let them know about it.
    People who said that they will send the flowers only if IV core supports it - please send flowers asap.

    BTW, I am curious as to who first proposed this idea.

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  • deepakjain
    05-12 06:46 PM
    How do we contribute and participate in any campaign of IV....how to even become a donor???

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  • gc_on_demand
    05-01 03:06 PM
    Adding dependents/derivative is based on primary�s PD and app status.

    Challenge me with a scenario that will have an issue. If someone doesn�t have H4 they will be affected anyways. They will not have additional impact due to this.

    Please read INA, I485 application and current VB.

    I personally believe none will be affected and left too behind (yes, they will be delayed a bit, they will have AP/EAD to hold on to).

    (1) I am on H1b and wife on H4 . I have PD of Jan 2008. Now In july 2009 VB shows Eb2 india with PD of Mar 2008 and F2A with Jan 2005. I will be able to file for 485 will my wife can file 485 ?

    (2) If she cannot file and what if my company insist me to be on EAD and resufe to extend my H1b. What will be status of my wife.. ( Assuming she didnot file AOS while I did ).

    (3) What will be her category or status if I am lucky and get GC in 2 months since my date become current ?

    I think just simply saying use FB quota for dependent doesnot make sense. We need to have answer to this. I agree that Law allows INS to use FB qupta for dependent but at same time so many other restriction prevent them to use it. Like dead lock condition.

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  • english_august
    07-09 08:59 AM
    Not 100 words though



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  • marblerock
    07-19 10:19 PM
    $200 from me.

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  • abq_gc
    08-18 03:08 PM
    Think Once again,

    Processing application based on Priority dates which is applicable to Any Employement (EB1, EB2, EB3) or Even family categories, with respect to Quota for that catagories..

    Again as Somebody mentioned Earlier, its not going to get solved in 2-3 Months, So this will be helpful only from Futuristic purpose.

    Its Vision problem, But this can't be solved by Lawsuites, It needs discussions, Negotiations and Communication, By Who have access to USCIS representative. In a Nutshell IV or AILA Kind of group, need to bring on their agenda, if they think its in Best interest for everybody.

    Simply put i am used to standing in queue to Buy Coffe, and somebody gets priority I feel i've been bypassed.

    Agree with you completely... and I would like to add one more point is this unnecessary classification of EB-1, EB-2 and EB-3... we are all highly skilled among our respective fields.. and I don't think this classification does any justice... but I very well know this wont be solved in 2-3 days... so no use talking abt it.. i guess


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  • indianabacklog
    11-21 03:53 PM

    I can more than understand what you are going through right now. I was diagnosed with cancer ten months after coming to the US. I am also the principal applicant and of course it was terrifying. I have no idea what your prognosis is or the type of cancer and do not need to know. However, I live in Indiana and the doctors here managed to save Lance Armstrong. He was sent here from Texas. I am now a six year survivor.

    I am now undergoing tests for a possible second cancer diagnosis seven years later and still no green card for my family. Hoping for one for my husband in the New Year. My son aged out and is on a student visa. I live each day realizing this is not a dress rehearsal and have to believe everything will be OK and I have absolutely no control over what the future holds.

    I know only too well how shell shocked you are right now but you have to have faith that things will work out how they are meant to. Adversity can have a silver lining.

    Wishing you all the best in your treatment plan. You need to concentrate on your health right now.

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  • kosars
    08-25 02:47 PM
    applied July 2nd recieved July 3rd. Entered on 23rd Aug. Got the nos from the back of the checks. Waiting for the Receipts in mail


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  • newbee7
    07-07 08:23 PM
    All officials have talked about processing 60k visas in a month to avoid visas going waste.
    None was honest enough to say the unused visas expire on 09/30 NOT 06/30.
    So, why the mad rush to give out all visas by 06/30?? We all know why..

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  • prakgc
    12-18 03:03 PM
    I am in same situation who has sept 10th ND from TSC , no FP for me or my wife. I did open a SR and i got a response letter saying that either your FP has expired or clearance has not been received.. will send one by mail soon.

    It has already been 45 days since the letter was dated. NO FP nothing.

    Has going to IO helped anybody is getting a FP notice? That seems my last resort.

    No update from my side. I had called last week and week before that. Apparently I got the same IO the last two times and first time she told me no FP scheduled , security check cleared. Second time she said no FP scheduled and I asked about security check and she said its still pending. Imagine same IO giving inconsistent information regarding my security check. I am not even sure to believe anything they say anymore. I am not even sure if they really look it up or not.


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  • my boss#39;s tattoo.

  • HawaldarNaik
    02-04 12:09 PM
    I take frequent trips to India and all of them are extremely satisfying, and many times the thought has crossed my mind about the possiblity of moving back but it will take some time for changes to happen for the good and that is because i think,
    We, Indians have a basic mental flaw wherein we shy away from unpleasant confrontation regardless of the merits of our case or the adverse consequences that such inertia engenders. The net result is that we are unable to translate our moral convictions into practical reality allowing law abiding citizens to be held hostage to the tantrums of a belligerent and corrupt minority, who call the shots in most places, right from the bottom to the top , in any sphere or area...(rather than talent and merit that should call the shots )

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  • vaishnavilakshmi
    11-22 04:05 AM

    Sorry to know about ur health issue.As some one in forum mentioned,u could approach the best doctor first and get your treatment done.Greencards etc are secondary when there could be a better way to survive.

    we pray for u and ur family,
    wish u all the best,


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  • GCcomesoon
    11-06 02:51 PM

    I have opened up 2 SR's & have taken 2 info-passes till now but I haven't received my FP yet.

    Priority date - 05/2003
    140 approved - 10/2006 from TSC
    485,131,765 RD-6/04/2007 at TSC, notices received - 06/07/2007
    CA, EB2
    Wife's case returned due to some error,send it again & received on 06/17/2007 as per Fedex
    Wife's case RD- 7/10/2007

    LUD in my case - I131 - 7/10/07, approved - 7/24/07
    LUD in my case - 1131,485,765, - 7/11/07
    LUD in spouse's case - I131-7/11/07
    EAD cleared for spouse - 08/20/07
    FP for spouse - 08/08/07 , I rescheduled it.
    FP scheduled - 10/03/07 - Done
    AP approved for spouse - 09/12/07
    EAD aproved - 10/25/2007 - for me
    FP for me- ??????


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  • pallavan
    09-26 10:29 AM
    & who'll change it....pu55ies like u?

    Wow... such eloquence from a "highly skilled worker" ! Truly impressive indeed :)

    BTW, for that poster who was imagining a single line, open your eyes buddy. There are indeed two lines. Higher qualifications gets you into the shorter one. You can fret and whine all you want but you cant change the fact.

    Porting PDs is a silly concept as others have pointed it out here. Its the law for now but wont be for long. Get over it.


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  • ireddy
    11-18 02:44 PM

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-15 02:46 PM
    It's just hidden but when you do export to csv it shows everything. This is not secure. Please be careful with sharing your phone # on public domains.

    Folks...I was told once by an IV core member ' This is the land of the fearless' and therefore we should not fear abut simple things like like sharing our email ID or ph#.

    However, keeping this concern in mind that may prevent some members from supporting, i have removed the email ID and ph# column from the public spreadsheet. I will maintain a separate spreadsheet with list of email ID's and ph# so that we can get in touch as soon as it is time for some real action.



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  • rajsand
    08-29 03:40 PM
    There are 1000s waiting for receipts , filed before July 24th . Hope someone apprises USCIS that people are aware of it & they cannot fool millions just by a silly update (who is asking for it anyways!)!

    Applied to NSC on 18th July and received on 19th by F.HAUINER (has anyone received application by this person.. asking just to check if mine reached the right place)

    Receipts : Not Yet
    PD : Feb 2003

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  • reddymjm
    06-12 07:21 PM

    I recived the case nos from TSC , they had received mine & my wife's applications ( 485, 765,131 ) on 4th June , I see one set of checks cashed.
    I expect the other set to be cleared some time Mon-Tues
    The case nos start with SRC

    Did your other set of checks cashed yet?:confused:

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  • RNGC
    07-06 10:03 PM
    When I was in DC sometime last year saw a group of people standing in front of the capitol building holding signs that circumcision is cruel!!....

    I am proposing that we atleast 50-100 members who can go to DC on a weekday morning, preferably Monday, should stand in that area, with signs highligting our problems, so all senators/congresspersons can see us, I guess that place is specifically for demonstrators, .....we can start from DC on Monday afternoon to our place.

    But we need help from DC locals to get permissions...and send a copy of the permissions to all those who plan to attend....

    Any date before August 15 will be too early I think, we shoud have enough time to plan to organize this....even 50-100 people would be good....we can take the entire family with kids and stand there for 2-4 hrs.....

    CD campaign:
    I had one more idea....how about we put all the material , not only issues related to Jul 2, but all our issues, create an excellent coloured PDF version, write to CD, label it and send the CD too all senators/congress persons/Governors/lt.governers/President/etc etc...we should send this CD to atleast 1000 people and atleast 500 media contacts....

    CDs being cheap, it should not cost much except for mailing it and we have some great talent in IV in writing the material.....

    Nowadays CEOs/Politicians are so used to presentations etc...so CDs might help

    Can we setup a poll for CD campaign.... ?

    07-09 04:58 PM
    There is a 99% chance of a TV crew covering this event. I just spoke with them and they are just working out the logistics. They will reach the USCIS office at around 12 PM and said that it would be great if some of us are available around that time to talk to them.

    Any D.C. area people interested in going there, please send me a private message with your name and phone number so that we can talk and work out the logistics.

    03-09 04:31 PM
    Why is the US the be all and end all of your life and career? Is Canada out of the question? It's not always rosey up there, but schools are just as good if not better than US, generally safer and less xenphobic, and they will welcome and appreciate your skills; pay you a fair wage (that through hard work and good relationships you can ratchet up over the years), and welcome your family. CAD is going up. US dollar is going down.

    Did you know that most large, publicaly traded, US hi-tech and financial juggernauts have thriving offices in Canada (to take advantage of high skiled quality workforce)? Intel, HP, Agilent, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, AMD, etc. Start applying. And guess what, if you really pine for the start and stripes, you can work your way to a transfer back on an L1 visa which may up your EB category and reduce your wait time.


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