Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • andy garcia
    10-05 10:48 AM
    Did anyone see Byron Dorgan's (Democratic Senator from North Dakota)interview on Stephen Colbert last night? This guy just wrote an anit-outsourcing book ( --no I am not plugging his book!) and he is full of 'they stole our jobs' rhetoric. This is typical outsourcing/globalization-bashing democratic mentality and it's disturbing to seeit still persists 2 years after Presedential elections.

    Am I the only one who thinks that if Democratics takes over the House, we are screwed?

    If the Democrats :cool: win, we will be screwed because the illegals will get all the visas.

    If the Republicans :cool: :eek: win, we will also be screwed because nobody will get visas.

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  • rpulipati
    10-09 10:16 AM
    I understand that you want to use experience before PD. However, there is no much gain and makes it more complex.

    For example, the person who does not start PD for 5 years on work can get only 6 months earlier preference.

    My thoughts.
    For old PD, pending I-140 should not be bottleneck.

    PD should be first criteria but US experience should not be ignored completely. US experience should be giving less point then PD.

    10 points for each month for PD and 1 point for each month for being in US. GC priority should be created after calculating total points for PD and for being in US.

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  • saketkapur
    08-18 01:17 PM
    Hi Guys
    My date is not current but I understand the frustration here. However I beleive USCIS is under severe pressure to reduce the backlogs and not waste any numbers this they are trying to exhaust them as and when they that scenaio I guess lower hanging fruits are getting picked.

    But on the bright side as I see it as more and more people get their GCs its a smaller line and the officers should be able to get to everyone's file in due course.

    I completely believe the system should be FIFO but then don't you think that will be too logical for the USCIS......

    Hopefully if they are able to get a lot of people out of the way they should go back to normal processing from October when new numbers are available and the pressure is somewhat less.....

    Again above is my theory. I hope everyone gets their green cards soon and the line keeps moving.


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  • satishdasari
    09-05 10:22 AM
    My attorney sent documents to NSC on July 2nd 10.30 AM
    Transferred from NS --> TSC with receipt date Aug 29'th.

    My cheques were cashed on Aug 29th. Have not received the receipt numbers physically by psotal mail.

    My question to you is " Will TSC send the receipt number documnets directly to me or to my Attorney?"



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  • chanduv23
    02-17 10:39 AM
    thanks delta313, manchala, gc_peshwa, ramaonline, whiteStallion for your contributions. We are @ 11%

    Total Contributions...........$5,625.00
    Amount to be raised.......$44,375.00

    This is pathetic. I wish people really stepped up for the cause. Come on folks, please help yourselves by contributing to the advocacy day efforts.

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  • mygoodluck
    08-13 05:38 PM


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  • mita
    08-10 12:49 PM
    My husband received CPO mail on 08/04, welcome mail on 08/05, soft LUD on 08/06 and approval notice sent mail on 08/09 but dated 08/08 in USCIS status. Hoping to have the GC in hand next week.
    Anyone who has the same chain of events or received GC for CPO mail on 08/04 or later?

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  • gk_2000
    07-20 04:45 PM

    If GCs were sold in stores I would buy you and your family a bunch of them.
    You are in the EB3 category, do you ever wonder why somebody who is more educated than you or me, makes more money? Can we say, hey you I was born in 1890 I should make more money, it does not fly, EB3 is not a reflection on your skills but more the job you hold.

    The question you should ask is why have EB1, 2, 3, etc?

    Why do you not include the family based categories, isn't family first, why not the EB spill over to to FB first then whatever trickles down comes to EB, is not this fair? I am sure there are a lot in the FB queue who have waited for longer than you. Now dont tell you you are better than FB because you are highly skilled, pay taxes, etc.

    You signed up for this knowing what was in store.
    You think writing a letter or starting up a thread is going to help?

    I just wonder, is IV some kind of therapy? something like weightwatchers,
    maybe we should call ourselves GCWatchers, for frustrated GC folks from India.

    Tell me this, are your bosses fools to sponsor you in EB3, do they not know it will take years? No they are not, ask yourself why?

    India is shining, not a bad proposition at all.

    Mr. Paraya Desi

    I request you to mind your language. What you say displays a complete lack of understanding about the system

    It is not that they want the "most qualified" or "most brilliant" FIRST, and the rest later. As an example, if your toilet broke down and you have an urgent need to use it, would you welcome a beautiful girl knocking on your door, or a plumber. It is like this. It is a question of WHAT the COUNTRY needs, not who is made of gold

    Therefore dont think you are as an EB2 more (or less) entitled to anything, and correct the "faltu" ideas in your brain


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  • samrat_bhargava_vihari
    06-11 05:28 PM
    at some month before OCT 2007 the dates would become unavailable.

    what would happen at that time?

    say your case was received by USCIS and they have not issued FP notices.

    what if they issued FP notices but not issued EAD and/or AP.
    would they still issue an EAD and AP even if your dates are not current(obviously the case was received by them and they issued you a case number)

    any ideas?

    In that case people with PD 2002 2003 whould have not got EAD's or renewals.. it won't affect the people who filed.
    Once you file 485 ,PD will stop only getting you GC.

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  • prince_waiting
    08-14 01:32 AM
    Hi Prince_waiting,

    Your lawyer is absolutely wrong. All applications received on or before 17th Aug.2007 must be received by USCIS, even if they can't open the the packets on or before 17th Aug.2007.


    Hi IK,
    Thanks for the clarification, It was along expected lines. I guess my lawyer was trying to get me to send the application ASAP.


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  • hazishak
    07-11 11:52 AM
    Check this out

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  • jonty_11
    02-05 02:39 PM
    Used "Automatic Visa Revalidation Rule" for entering US from Canada

    Just wanted to let you guyz know that i have Used "Automatic Visa Revalidation Rule" for entering US from Canada, there were Issues at all, i entered US through
    Peace Bridge.
    I am planning to Visit Canada again, and wanna use "AVR"
    but did u land in canada for immigration purposes? with ur AOS pending iN US?


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  • GCStatus
    09-17 12:36 PM
    We are making great progress on this and glad to see tonnes of positive responses. For the people who are viewing this thread first time, please send your name, e-mail, ph number and the amount you are willing to contribute ( in case of a lawsuit ) to man-woman-and-gc who is graciously collecting information for us and adding them in the below spreadsheet. Next steps on the way.

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  • ramus
    07-07 12:05 PM
    Please join NC state
    chapter if you have not yet. I am also talking to couple of members from Raleigh and we thinking to go and meet senator Burr if we get appointment. I will keep you in the loop. We can discuss this on our state chapter.

    Thank you for your interest.

    I live in Raleigh, NC and am willing to come to DC. I will try and check if any of my friends are interested.


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  • CADude
    08-27 03:45 AM
    Posted by Clockwork:
    Member Join Date: Sep 2006
    Posts: 63

    I have received receipt notice for my I-485. My AOS petition was received by J.Barrret at 10:25AM Nebraska Service Center. Later it got forwarded to TSC where my I-140 got approved few months before. Let me know if you have more questions...

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  • vbkris77
    07-19 10:49 PM
    I am starting this new thread to discuss about EB visas spillover usage based on oldest priority date irrespective of category/country. Currently the spillover happens vertically(a top down approach) from EB1 -> EB2 -> EB3...etc. Instead it should be first used on cases with oldest priority date. This will not only give a good move to clear the backlog but will also be a fair rule for those who are patiently waiting in queue for a long time. I wrote my concern about this to my local congressman. I also request each one of you, who is impacted by this, or who is interested to help us out, to kindly contact your local congressman/woman to express your concern. In turn they can contact USCIS to implement this fair rule to help us all out.

    Even though I am waiting under EB2, I support this initiative. However INA clearly tells CIS/DoS to follow their current approach. Otherwise, this would have been in our first question to administration. Read below the text from INA with emphasis added.

    Now I don't think it is fair. So I think we need to ask IV Core to analyze the proposal of adding the required text to CIR to make the process level playing for everyone. Recapture of visas coupled with removal of country limits would actually clear the current backlog. But to avoid future backlog I think it is only fair to make Spillover of the visas available beyond 28.6 % of visas available for any category be applied to the applicants with oldest priority date irrespective of the priority category.

    INA Sec 203

    (b) Preference Allocation for Employment-Based Immigrants. - Aliens subject to the worldwide level specified in section 201(d) for employment-based immigrants in a fiscal year shall be allotted visas as follows:

    (1) Priority workers. - Visas shall first be made available in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (4) and (5), to qualified immigrants who are aliens described in any of the following subparagraphs (A) through (C):

    (A) Aliens with extraordinary ability. - An alien is described in this subparagraph if -

    (i) the alien has extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation,

    (ii) the alien seeks to enter the United States to continue work in the area of extraordinary ability, and

    (iii) the alien's entry into the United States will substantially benefit prospectively the United States.

    (B) Outstanding professors and researchers. -An alien is described in this subparagraph if -

    (i) the alien is recognized internationally as outstanding in a specific academic area,

    (ii) the alien has at least 3 years of experience in teaching or research in the academic area, and

    (iii) the alien seeks to enter the United States-

    (I) for a tenured position (or tenure-track position) within a university or institution of higher education to teach in the academic area,

    (II) for a comparable position with a university or institution of higher education to conduct research in the area, or

    (III) for a comparable position to conduct research in the area with a department, division, or institute of a private employer, if the department, division, or institute employs at least 3 persons full-time in research activities and has achieved documented accomplishments in an academic field.

    (C) Certain multinational executives and managers. An alien is described in this subparagraph if the alien, in the 3 years preceding the time of the alien's application for classification and admission into the United States under this subparagraph, has been employed for at least 1 year by a firm or corporation or other legal entity or an affiliate or subsidiary thereof and the alien seeks to enter the United States in order to continue to render services to the same employer or to a subsidiary or affiliate thereof in a capacity that is managerial or executive.

    (2) Aliens who are members of the professions holding advanced degrees or aliens of exceptional ability. -

    (A) In general. - Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraph (1), to qualified immigrants who are members of the professions holding advanced degrees or their equivalent or who because of their exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business, will substantially benefit prospectively the national economy, cultural or educational interests, or welfare of the United States, an d whose services in the sciences, arts, professions, or business are sought by an employer in the United States.

    (B) (i) 1/ 1a/ Subject to clause (ii), the Attorney General may, when the Attorney General deems it to be in the national interest, waive the requirements of subparagraph (A) that an alien's services in the sciences, arts, professions, or business be sought by an employer in the United States.

    (ii) (I) The Attorney General shall grant a national interest waiver pursuant to clause (i) on behalf of any alien physician with respect to whom a petition for preference classification has been filed under subparagraph (A) if--

    (aa) the alien physician agrees to work full time as a physician in an area or areas designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as having a shortage of health care professionals or at a health care facility under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; and

    (bb) a Federal agency or a department of public health in any State has previously determined that the alien physician's work in such an area or at such facility was in the public interest.

    USCIS - I-Link Reference ( D&vgnextchannel=fa7e539dc4bed010VgnVCM1000000ecd190a RCRD&CH=act)


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  • gc4me
    08-18 12:45 PM
    Are you sure that your application was received on Aug 8th, 2008?
    If ture then this is the shortest time I have ever seen for EAD approval.
    Lucky you!
    May be your Green Card producttion was ordered! Please share your experience.


    This is for my wife's first time EAD.

    Category: EB2, TSC
    Priority Date: June 20, 2006
    I-485 filing date: July 17th, 2007
    Paper based EAD application Received date: Aug 8th, 2008
    LUD : Aug 12th, 2008
    Card Production Ordered : Aug 16th, 2008

    That was pretty quick.
    Funny part is, I haven't received receipt notice yet.

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  • bmoni
    05-01 11:32 PM
    Even if we have five people agree to file this class action lets do it .....
    Once we have this law suit filled I'm sure will have the visiblity and whole band wagon will behind us.

    1, Let choose an attorney who understands our pain wants to fight for our cause. if its Rajiv Khanna so be it.

    2, Whatever the inital attorney consultion let split the consultation fee between five of us.

    3, Once we have a stream lined class action in place will gather more people.

    what you think ..?

    I absolutely agree what you said this will atleast help us to predict where we are with the processing ..If this whole thing is going to take 22 years tell us we won't F****** throw away our life waiting for it.

    Lets file a lawsuit to get the info in a manner we need:

    1) breakdown of processing dates in a manner that co relates to visa bulletin.
    i.e.: tell us how many petitions by per country are pending/processed and processing dates by country and category. Atleast USCIS is answerable to visa bulletin.

    2) Visa usage by category reporting each month
    (How many petitions were approved are pending by visa category and by country) (here I mean just I140 and I485). Adjust the numbers if there are denials.

    This will atleast help everyone predict whats going to happen in recent months. One of the heartburns we have is no information comes out of USCIS and we are held hostage to what oppenheim says or Aytes says or Sheela Murthy says. This is public information so lets try and get it public every month.

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  • whiteStallion
    02-18 03:54 PM
    I still dont have access to Donor Forum, I have sent out email to IVCoordinator and Starsun with the transaction/Subscription ID.

    Same for me. What do I need to do to get access to donor forum ?

    08-18 07:47 PM
    So, how are u going to help us????
    I will help you in this but do us all a favor and don't reply to any more messages....

    05-09 10:08 PM
    For god's sake, if you intend to send hundreds of emails and letters and call yourselves highly skilled immigrants, can you take the time to have your letter proof read by someone? If not anyone, at least by Microsoft Word?? I start reading the text of some of the emails and shake my head at some of the gobbledegook you are spewing. It is counter productive to say the least.

    Well thanks for the suggestion. You can check yours before sending the email. I am not trying to impress Obama. Just making my point clear. I am sure your english is better than mine.

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