Friday, July 1, 2011

Black Scene Hair With Purple Streaks

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  • desi3933
    08-29 10:33 AM
    That lawsuit Idea is still very much alive but not relevant to this. Plus that idea will take some time. I also don't believe I had been unethical.

    The bottom line, you would agree, the reason we all are lurking on this forum is to get our GC. I can assure you and the other core members of one thing, I will not do anything which is I beleive is unethical on not within the boundaries of the law.

    Any update on your lawsuit?

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  • xeixas
    09-10 02:33 AM
    It looks like prior to this visa bulletin, the DOS was just guessing the dates for the visa bulletins. Hopefully this behavior changes moving forward.

    The best example to illustrate this is EB3-ROW:

    1) Back in October 2006, this category was on 01MAY02. Very close to where it is right now.
    2) DOS was not getting enough visas from USCIS, so they increased the date. By May of 2007 (Same Fiscal Year) the date was 01AUG03.
    3) They still didn't get enough visas. So, by June of 2007 they moved it to 01JUN05.
    4) The July 07 bulletin happened and after that everything became unavailable.
    5) Then in October 2007, when the USCIS had not revised any of the July 07 applications, the DOS still didn't know what to expect, so they went back to 01AUG02.
    6) Again, they didn't get enough applications, so they moved the date up. By January 08 they were in 15OCT02. And in Jun, they went all the way to 01JAN06. Then they became unavailable again.
    7) In October of 2008 the date was in 01JAN05, which means that USCIS was not done with the July 07 cases and DOS didn't know what to expect. In April of this year they go back to 2003 (some I-485s that were received back in 2007 getting approved?) and then they became unavailable.
    8) Now in October 2009 they are back in 2002.

    With dates going from 2001 to 2005 then back to 2002 then up to 2006 then back again to 2002 (EB3-ROW in the last 3 years), it is easy to conclude that up until now, USCIS and DOS have been gambling with the dates. So the October bulletin could mean one of two things: 1) Either they have valid data now and the dates for this bulletin are realistic, which would be good because at least we would know now where we stand or 2) They are still gambling, which is neither good or bad, because with the previous history of movement in the dates, the dates could go back to 2006 again or even further...

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  • pitha
    07-07 08:43 PM
    she said "But we're prepared to talk to people about what happened here."

    hope that means they are willing to talk about giving EAD. If we get EAD all the lawsuits will be withdrawn. The law does not say AOS applications should not be accepted when there are no visa numbers available, the law only says AOS cannot be approved when visa numbers are not available. USCIS internal regulations says they will not accept AOS applications when priority date is not current. by now its quite apparent that USCIS has broken a lot of there own internal regulations just to make sure the visa numbers are used up before july 2 2007. Then can easily accomodate the EAD for july filers. It all depends upon the pressure exerted on USCIS and DOS

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  • bmoni
    05-01 12:04 AM


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  • anzerraja
    07-20 01:20 AM
    Thanks very much !!!

    Great job people.

    This is the least that everyone benefitted from july VB should do.

    Waiting to hear further instructions on how to send $100.


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  • kshitijnt
    04-25 08:26 PM
    All the desi employers I ran into or my friends ran into turned out to be blood suckers. before that I was employed by an american company for 6 years and I had no complaint whatsoever.

    I think most of us desis consider other desis to be inferior and treat them so.

    Atleast your DESI employers start GC early maybe after 6 months. Most american employers dont even start GC until you are in 5th year of H1. Employers are employers, they dont come with nationalities on their forehead. There are so many american companies who have filed bankruptcy when a large payment was pending and your desi employer attempted to recover it.


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  • k3GC
    05-23 11:01 AM
    Sent email to 2 state senators + 10 senators listed.

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  • test101
    07-06 11:16 PM
    I like the CD idea very much. Ithink it will attrack attention. Have not heared money people doing it for the purpose of protest.


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  • nogc_noproblem
    02-23 12:29 AM
    On the lighter note, this may not applicable to humans and mammals, egg broken from outside (but this happens inside the body) still brings in new life. :)

    I read this as a status message of a CEO sometime back on linkedin:

    An egg, when broken from inside, brings in new life but if broken from outside, kills it.

    Please, don't let the immigration process break you. Join IV (and us) and fight it...until we break it for a better change.

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  • willwin
    07-28 11:31 AM
    I disagree.
    Why is it not easy to change from EB3 to EB2?
    We have to decide what is important in life for us. Current job/salary/promotion/ status quo or Geeencard?
    If someone wants EB2, they can change their job and apply again. The law does not prohibit that. So stop blaming unfair laws.

    So the only reason why a lot of us are in EB3 is becasue we have chosen to stay with the current employer who pays us well and do not want to take the risk of a new employer. So it is our choice and not injustice. The system allows us options. We cannot want a cake and eat it too. I am also trying to find a new employer to change my job and file in EB2. Everyone is free to do that.

    And stop claiming that you are fit for EB2 but are stuck in EB3. If you are fit for EB2 then why don't you apply in EB2? If you have a masters degree you can find a new job with EB2 that needs a masters degree. Anyone who does not have masters degree then get work experience and change your job to file in EB2. Ultimately we have to decide what we want.

    yes, technically that is possible. But practically it may not be possible for the same reasons you said.

    And to me they are valid. So you are asking some one in EB3 2002 to quit his current job and apply for EB2 because the system is inefficient and cannot grant him GC in 7 years and if tomorrow he does not get under EB2 as well, you will advocate him to file under EB1??

    You are asking to adjust my body size to fit a dress instead of altering the dress itself. Just because the system provides 100 loopholes/opportunities/possibilities, does not mean one has to explore everything to get justice from the system. As I said, not EVERYONE can do that. Nevertheless, it is easy to give advise.


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  • mmanurker
    07-20 11:42 AM
    Dear Members

    For those of you joining us late, here is some info about this thread.

    1. This is to do our least part to the core IV Team for their selfless sacrifice, for all of us getting the benefits of legal immigration. Note that , Aman Kapoor , the co-founder of IV has done his part by sacrificing $64,000/- from his own personal funds towards the administrative costs of IV. Yes you read it right , it is $64,000/- We come to know from his co-worker that he has sold his house towards running this show for us.

    2. We have not yet figured out a way to reimburse these costs as IV does not yet have administrative costs part of the expenditure allocation, as we understand it. So instead of a wait and watch, we decided to go ahead with collecting the pledge from the members on the amount they are putting forth for reimbursing the amount. Once we come up with a strategy(members we look for your suggestions on how to get this done, please add your comments) we will instruct the members pledged to pay out.

    So do not pay it directly to the IV core funds, yet.

    Please help us spread the message about this thread in other threads by copy and pasting the following in other threads too.

    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman and other core IV member's expenses towards the administrative costs of IV.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?


    Pl. count me in....I pledge $100 towards Aman's expense re-imbursement.
    Pl. let me know how to send the amount coz your post clearly says
    "do not pay it directly to the IV core funds, yet"
    (so far contributed $100 to IV)

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  • raybarrone
    08-13 05:02 PM
    It is a hard fact but I guess I do not want to scare anyone. If you notice some people have got their JuLY 2ND filed cases receipt # and most of them have a Notice date of 08/04/2007 (the guys who got their receipt #). This notice date is the day the Receipt was generated. So today is 08/13/2007. It seems that USCIS is delaying this process of issuing receipts as that will give them a chance to reject applications after 17th. So I guess we should brace ourselves for rejection notices also......


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  • kk_kk
    11-17 07:28 PM
    done. Thanks

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  • Vishal2007
    11-21 12:18 PM
    Sorry to hear about this Mehul, I pray GOD to give confident and strength to fight and comeout with success, I don't know option you have in GC (it is a crap)
    but Logiclife option is really good ( my 9 years experience in this country) and also try yoga.

    wish to you and your family


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  • pappu
    02-14 04:32 PM
    Thank you everyone that contributed till now.

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  • deepakjain
    05-08 05:53 PM
    My Apologies if this seems a bit rude to you...

    IV is specific for people those who are awaiting permanent residence...but looking at the recent set of events for those who are not in queue and are new here with just 2-3 years of stay in State....on H1B...

    Following is happening and it has a reason...I know many of my friends who have been denied H1B, L1 extensions ..these are those people who have just started PERM...

    EB2 dates moving to Jan 00 and other not under U, has a specific reason as well; quota is one reason but it is not the only reason in the current state...these is another means to make sure that those who are trying to get GC and other who are trying to stay for 6 years under H1B should be putup into a spot that the thought of leaving this place and ending up back home becomes a reality..

    I am sure out of total 500K awaiting the GC process, will have now atleast a second thought of going back home...H1B and L1 under 6 years are now also being forced to return back....


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  • iptel
    06-26 02:58 PM
    Well, I am a legal immigrant from Mexico, I have an MBA, my race is white (100% European as are more than 10 million Mexicans) and I do not wear a "sombrero".

    I thought that this forum was for us all to help each other and not enter these types of useless arguments. I cannot believe that the posters of these racist messages, who are Indian, are falling into the same sterotypes that Americans fall into in regards to India. You are doing that with Mexico. I have been to India, I urge you to go to Mexico and see for yourselves what the country is like before passing judgment.

    Mexico has 100 million people vs. India's 1 Billion plus, yet Mexico's GDP is essentially equal to India's (India = 775,410, Mexico=768,437). All the people that you see immigrating here are of course the poor and uneducated who can come here in large numbers because of the simple fact that (hello people!) we share a land border with the U.S.A. (What would happen if India shared a land border with the U.S.A. - One can only imagine! Instead of 7 million illegal Mexicans, we would have 400 million illegal Indians here!) I invite you to visit Mexico, where in some parts you will think you are in Sweden. And again, yes! have been to India!

    We are misusing this forum with stereotypes and you guys are turning this into an Indian-only forum. (WHich is a turnoff to me and many more) I know the majority of us in here are Indian, but if I continue to feel unwelcome here I will just take my donations elsewhere.

    For your Information India's GDP is 3 trillion USD compare to Mexico 1 trillion USD. Taking into account GDP of EU India ranks 5th in GDP higher than any indivisual European nation where as Mexico ranks 13th. This is as per CIA worldfactbook. So where did you get the number
    "Mexico's GDP is essentially equal to India's (India = 775,410, Mexico=768,437). "
    Hmmn did I forget you are an MBA from Mexico ?

    (What would happen if India shared a land border with the U.S.A. - One can only imagine! Instead of 7 million illegal Mexicans, we would have 400 million illegal Indians here!)
    Lets get this thing straight buddy without shadow of any doubt there are more Mexican than Indian in USA. But what about the number of doctors, computer scientist, economist, professors of reputable Universities, physcisist of Indian origin compare to Mexican origin.

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  • raidohri
    05-23 04:30 PM
    Can some one post all the email addresses in one place or at least tell me how to do . i am ready to do that


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  • santb1975
    06-28 01:47 AM
    I will post any Jobs that I come across that only ask for US citizens or GC's

    While we keep hearing the rhetoric about "H1B-only ads" by anti-immigrant groups, there is absolutely no news about thousands of "US Citizens only" or "US citizen or GC onl"y ads that we see every day.

    While I understand there is a genuine case of 'Citizens Only' when it comes to jobs that involve national security, 98% of the job ads have nothing to do with national security and or government clearance. Most of these are clear and simple violations of Equal Employment Opportunity law, and hence illegal.

    Since no one seems to be interested in reporting on this pervasive violation of law and illegal behavior, I have decided to start this thread to report on this highly-prevalent form of discrimination. I invite other members to post similar Job-ad E-mails on this thread (or open other threads) to highlight this issue. This will enable us to post the links whenever someone brings-up the issue of H1b-only Ads next trime. It might also enable members to report to EEOC in large numbers and/or shame the recruiters/employers from posting such blatantly discriminatory job ads.



    Greetings for the Day!

    This is Ruby from Charter Global Inc. Our client is looking for a "Java/ J2ee Developer" in Warren NJ. This could be a great opportunity for you and all you need is to reply to this message to indicate your interest, availability, legal status and salary requirements with your updated resume to present to our client.

    Rate: $42/ hr during the contract
    Job Title: Java/ J2ee Developer
    Location: Warren NJ
    Duration: 6 Months Contract with possible extension

    Client for this position is looking for Only US Citizens

    Strong J2EE, Java, Struts, Oracle resumes right away
    Plus: Spring and Hibernate

    Ruby Roy
    Technical Recruiter
    Charter Global, Inc.
    Toll Free: (866) 570-1818 X 337
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    URL: Welcome to Charter Global Inc. (


    02-10 05:03 PM
    I could not comprehend the exact purpose of this campaign.

    We might draw more contributions if we have a bulleted point list on what these funds are going to serve. Is it for 2009 contribution pool or we have something that we are going to spend on right away like media campaign or newspaper articles?

    01-30 01:29 PM
    The problem with him and many others including me is people like the OP, and in case you are also one of them, then we all have a problem with people like YOU!!!!!

    He never claimed his wife was better than the OP. All he is saying is that his wife HAD a job, which is the minimum requirement to apply for an H-1B. He never said that converting from H4 to H1 is illegal!

    Your coment that everyone is trying to improve their life is so simplistic and moronic. No one is denying you or the OP theright to improve one's life. Do so ethically!

    How can you simply assume that everyone here came to the US through some bodyshopping company? How did you get your job? Was it through a consulting/bodyshopping company?

    And no, he is not dividing the community. You and people like you think that every immigrant is unethical and it is an accepted behavior!

    Shame on you!!!

    What’s your problem man? You are mad because your wife did not get H1B/Job? What do you say to a American citizen who is saying that you took his job? It’s all part of the game. Everyone is trying to improve their life.

    How can you tell your wife is better? Your wife is doing exactly the same, converting from H4 to H1B. Did she have job offer when she came to USA? You must have come through some consulting company, what kind of offer letter you had when you came to US?

    Everyone is playing by the rules, otherwise we would not have been here. dont think you are the only one playing by the rules.
    How can you tell he/she is representation false?

    People like you are the ones who are dividing the community.

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