Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • StarSun
    02-04 09:46 AM
    $49,200 to go.

    Thank you members for contributing.

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  • english_august
    07-09 02:55 PM
    I hope everyone is sending out the press release to their media contacts. As you all know, this event is not centrally co-ordinated and everyone has been really proactive in getting the word out.

    Same goes for the media contact as well. No single person is emailing/faxing this information out - everyone is doing his or her bit.

    Since most of the coverage will come from journalists local to the D.C. area, members there should be particularly aggressive in calling local newspapers, radio stations, tv stations etc.

    Let's give this thing one big push.

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  • gc_peshwa
    02-09 01:11 AM
    Bump up. I plan to donate later. Too tired right now after a long day!

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  • anukcs
    09-30 03:13 PM
    I'm currently on my 4th EAD & AP, and I used AC21 twice so far to switch jobs (similar job descriptions, including the specific technologies I worked on). On both occasions, I have not informed USCIS. My attorney said one is not legally required to do so, and that we could respond if there is any RFE.

    But I also know that there are lot of attorneys out there who recommend informing USCIS about the job change. I don't personally know of anyone who have used AC21 and went on to get the green card, so I can't really tell which approach is better. In either case, make sure to have all relevant paper work with you - specifically the experience letters from old employers with proper job descriptions.

    As for the salary increases when changing jobs, I did talk to more than one attorney about this. And what I heard consistently was that higher salary is not as much of a problem as lower salary could be. In my case, I had salary increases of more than 30% each time I changed jobs, and I am doing fine so far. Whether that becomes a problem for me or not, I will deal with it when it happens.

    I traveled out of the country a couple of times using AP. On my return to US, at the port of entry (SFO), I was asked if I still worked for the company that originally sponsored my GC application. I told them I changed employers using AC21, and that I was not legally required to inform USCIS about the job change. And they let me go without causing any trouble. Not sure if anyone else had different experiences in such case, but the immigration officers at SFO seem to be somewhat easier to deal with (assuming you haven't done anything wrong, of course).

    I did have trouble with AC21 once. I ended up having a gap between my 2nd and 3rd EADs (so did my wife too), as we tried to do too much 'optimization' of EADs. Well, we learned the hard way that 'optimization' effort is bad, as both of us had to stop working during the gap. It's not a very pleasant feeling having to explain our respective employers that we had such issue. We lost money too, as we couldn't be legally paid during the gap - in addition to the unnecessary stress. I wish USCIS issues EADs with longer validity period - something like 3 years (but I once heard Aman say that they couldn't do so due to a software glitch in their system!!). In any case, we are now filing for EAD renewals well in advance of the current one's expiry.

    Other issues with AC21 that we faced are things like having to pay for EAD and AP renewals every year, which is quite expensive. I guess you could negotiate this with your new employer when changing jobs. And the sheer inability to change your job roles or take on more responsibilities (on paper too!) is frustrating, but that is more of a lengthy GC processing symptom than an AC21 issue.

    All things considered, I think AC21 is good. It's got it's set of issues, especially if you don't use it wisely, but it at least lets you have some kind of progress in your careers. The way I see it, if there is no career progress, I can at least make more money. You got to gain something over years of waiting to keep you going!

    Thanks for the info. How early we should renew the EAD? TIA. anukcs


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  • pani_6
    09-10 11:38 AM
    Is the Visa Bull right or the Mumbia console??..which :o one..

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  • naveenarjun
    08-24 11:07 PM
    Filed Aug 15 at NSC. I 1-40 approved at TSC..

    LUD Aug 5th


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  • dilipb
    07-30 03:28 PM
    I applied for EAD on 06/18/2008
    Receipt Date 06/20/2008
    Not received it till date!

    My friend applied on 06/04/2008
    He got 1 year EAD on 06/30/2008.
    This is because they were trying to approve as many EAD cases as possible, so that they can earn money next year too.
    They probably did this because its a fee based organisation.

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  • dilusa1
    08-27 01:44 PM
    Recived I-485.I-131,I-765 at Nebrasaka on July 5th, at 10:50 AM.

    signed by "CRUH"

    No receipt Yet..



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  • BharatPremi
    12-18 07:35 PM
    Can 2 sue US immigration system/Government for this condition?

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  • collkaverill
    07-02 09:41 AM
    If there is a revised bulletin which shows that your Priority Date is retrogressed then your's will be thrown off ....

    I mean you missed a golden opportunity because you had whole of June
    to file - i know its not your fault , just stating the Fact.

    Yeah, I know my life sucks. I have a priority date of Jan 2003. Got filed under EB3 even though did MS here... I begged and pleaded that they atleast send it on Jan 28th. For god's sake, I was qualified all the way since June 1st. I gave all the documents necessary by June 6th itself. Well, but they had to file on 29th.


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  • prakgc
    12-26 02:04 PM
    Dingudi.. sent you a PM ..

    If its TSC then I do not think it will help at all. Whenever I talk to IO their only response if they are waiting for availability at local ASC.

    So TSC people are out of luck.

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  • gjoe
    10-09 06:18 AM
    Why do you think FIFO is scientifically impossible? If you beleive that weather forecast is reliable like most of the Americans do, making the FIFO system work more effeciently without wasting even a single visa is possible.
    It is not necessary to issue the visa if the case is still pending for some reason, but if it has cleared all it has a visa number ready to complete the case. If all the visa numbers are allocated ( not necessarily issued) each year there will be no waste. There is no need to go back and recapture visa numbers because all visa numbers are already allocated. Obove all these reasons, those people with PD's as old as 1999 coming out from the BEC need not face another nightmare like first waiting for the I485 to become current before even he can file and then wait in the end of the queue for new applicants to move forward before having his case handled.
    This GC system broke because the system was revamped without taking into account the whole process.
    First I-485 is triggered by an act of the applicant (he has to apply). So USCIS is never going to know whether an earlier applicant is still out there trying to file his application or not. In fact I would blame the entire retrogression on USCIS' attempt at FIFO which is scientifically impossible. It only results in wastage of visa numbers. In 2004 USCIS wasted 47000 visa numbers, in 2006 it wasted 10000 visa numbers. What USCIS could think of doing is just approve whoever is approvable. So the visa bulletin has only 2 possible values "C" and "U". If an earlier I485 applicant is stuck in name check then he should take appropriate action (writing to senators, FL, GWB or file WoM) and get his case adjudicated.

    There are a lot of misconceptions about AoS. Let me write it here.

    1. A visa number is not needed to get AoS adjudicated. A visa number is only required to file the application. But USCIS' stand is that visa number is required both while filing and adjudicating. This according to the statutes and regulations is not true and valid. If USCIS screwed up and delayed adjudicating your application that is their problem. According to statutes and regulations a visa number is only required at the time the application is filed.

    2. Neither Statutes nor regulations call for any fbi name check. Remember FBI name check is different from criminal back ground check or finger print check. The name check is an arbitrary decision by FBI and USCIS and will not stand in any court of law.

    3. An FBI name check was never called for by USCIS on AoS applicants. It was only required for naturalization applicants. FBI screwed up by sending every one's name through this dreaded name check and now claims that it has too many names to check.

    4. If your AoS application is pending for more than a year file a law suit against USCIS because USCIS violated regulations 103.2(b)(18). According to this regulation if an investigation is pending for 6 months district director should review it. At the end of 1 year he should again review it. After that it has to be escalated to higher authorities. Trust me this never happens. Violation of regulations is a serious offense.

    So FIFO will never happen because USCIS cannot control who will apply when. Second FIFO is really bad because USCIS then has to keep shuffling its visa numbers around. Instead if it just approves anyone who is approvable atleast visa numbers would get used.


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  • adusumilli
    09-13 08:44 AM
    i-140 Approved by NSC

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  • priti8888
    10-08 03:55 PM
    There is no FIFO in current system. There NEVER WILL BE as long as so-called Chargeability areas ( country quotas) exist. Mark my words, we may at best get the quota extended to 10% (if STRIVE or something similar passes), but the quotas are here to stay. Guy from a so-called ROW country will always get his GC ahead of you.

    Have you read about 'Alternate Charegeability'? Read about it in Mathew Oh's website. It means a guy/gal from India can marry a Sri Lankan or Pakistani and use his/her country as chargeability! A person is getting ahead of others by marrying outside your country! What's your brilliant idea to stop that. I can already see some guys posting 'IV should make banning marriage outside the chargeability their Top #1 agenda, as people use it to cut the line'

    What you guys really mean by FIFO here is ' a guy/gal from my country who applied after me, who cannot use alternate chargeability or marry an American citizen to cut the line, should not get GC before me'! ( FBI name check , EB1/2/3 etc. be damned)

    Did I get you correctly?

    How many Indians do you know who have married sri lankans or pakistanis??? Its rare and its not worth making an issue.

    India/China has huge population and therefore the number of applications far exceed ROW. Now who is to blame? Our parents? Our nation? Our politicians?

    Labour substituition----Now thats bad...but its no longer allowed


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  • sam2006
    07-19 10:27 PM
    thank you guys

    can we reach 30 tomorrow ?
    Yes we can

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  • pyaradesi
    07-20 10:34 PM
    I have my reasons to stay here which you will never understand.

    Is this fair? You only rebuked questions with Katrina, and your boss, why not rebuke all my questions?

    And, I do not have to understand your reasons, as long as we all understand our reasons, that should stop us from coming to IV and whining.


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  • kkmajid
    10-17 10:30 AM
    Try this:

    Current international students must be aware of the H-1B visa quota and file their forms as soon as possible, alumni said.

    "Apply early, as in April 1 early," Jarek Langer '06 said in an e-mail. "Do not wait until you get your diploma. It will be too late."

    Bicalho said students should be proactive and involved in the application process.

    "Take ownership over the process," Bicalho said. "Talk to the school's international office early so they can start working with you. � As soon as you have an offer, know who are the lawyers your firm will use and contact them so that you can work together."

    As stated above, it says that i can apply on april1st. Now i am graduating in masters in may. Can I still apply on april 1st, dont I need the diploma to apply for H1B? Please explain.

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  • n2b
    08-13 11:29 AM
    Ok saw the Receipts - The ND is 8/4/2007 (they are working on Saturdays)

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  • rustum
    09-27 03:25 PM
    How much tense I should feel!!! Applied on July 23rd at NSC and no news so far.

    Anyone in the same boat?

    Application reached on 27th NSC. I am also waiting for news.

    05-09 08:49 PM
    Roger and BECsufferer, I hear your arguments and you two have a valid point of view. We need to do something at the least. Not doing anything is not an option.

    However, please understand, we are asking for "fair" and "equitable" treatment for those who are already inside the country and devoted sufficient time of their life here. To me this means "justice." If you are constantly denied justice then there is constitution to protect the rights.

    We are not asking for their "help" or "favor". Although immigration is a privilege, there is a law that governs it and it seems it is possible that EB Indians are targeted by this administration. Infact in good times of this country we have done it a lot of favor instead of our home country. Now is the time to ask for "rights" for our contribution.

    My question is, if Americans are distressed and EB India are cause of it, why did they let us in in the first place? So is it something that immigration is privilege when they need it and then chuck us out when they dont? Are you upto accepting that we are commodities to be used and thrown when they like?

    06-28 09:05 PM
    Employers can (at least they do) discriminate EAD holders. Here is an example and related link:
    Fog Creek Software - Intern in Software Development (

    "Permanent legal right to work in the United States. Because student visas (J1, F1, etc) are time-limited, we regret that we can't consider interns on student visas."

    They key word here is "Permanent legal right to work in the United States". EADs (485 based EAD as well as F1 based EADs) have a limit of 1 year/2 year/29 months etc. Based on this Fog Creek Software will not hire an EAD holder. Can we do some thing about this blatant violation of the law?

    Thanks, Walking_Dude, for putting this link.

    As per web page on this link -This will exclude applicants on H-1B visa status as they don't have work authorization to work for the new employer.

    However, as I said before, Employer can not discriminate between GC holder, EAD, and OPT holder.


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